


毕业论文关键词: 金属磁记忆; 应力; 无损评价; 磁场强度梯度; 碳含量

Abstract The welding residual stress is an important factor for welding structure quality, so research on nondestructive method of welding stress evaluation is important for reliability for welding structure。 At present, the common nondestructive evaluation methods include radiographic testing, ultrasonic testing, magnetic testing, penetrant testing and eddy current testing。 These methods have their limited conditions and can only detect the formed macroscopic defects。 These detection methods of recessive material discontinuity (stress concentration) also have limitations。 However, metal magnetic memory testing technology can not only find macroscopic defects and can indicate non-macroscopic defects of stress concentration areas, so it owns early diagnosis and warning capacity。

In view of this, welding stress of butt joint of Q235 steel and 45 steel is evaluated in this paper。 Based on the analysis of mechanism of metal magnetic memory signal to stress response, discuss the metal magnetic memory technology on butt weld based on Q235 steel and 45 steel, explain its evaluation mechanism with elastic-plastic deformation theory and piezomagnetic theory。 On this basis, by means of vacuum heat treatment in this paper, get the zero initial magnetic signal of Q235 steel and 45 steel, and then using metal magnetic memory signal characteristic parameter calibration experiments, set up of Q235 steel and 45 steel corresponding relationship between magnetic field intensity gradient and stress respectively, finally complete the evaluation of the Q235 steel and 45 steel butt welding stress of metal magnetic memory。

The results show that the metal magnetic memory signal detection position is different, but the Q235 steel and 45 steel calibration sample of metal magnetic memory signal with stress change rule of is basically same, just a slightly different signal amplitude; Load stress is not at the same time, the Q235 steel and 45 steel samples Hp(y) magnetic signals with the different angle is basically same。 Q235 steel and 45 steel specimen scattering gradient magnetic field strength with the placement angle changing rule is basically same, namely with the increase of sample placement angle, the scattering intensity of magnetic field gradient increases gradually, when the sample is put angle 90°, the scattering magnetic field intensity gradient is the maximum, and with the increase of sample placement angle, the scattering intensity of magnetic field gradient decreases。 With the increase of stress sigma, Q235 steel samples with 45 steel samples scattering intensity of magnetic field gradient follow k value basic linear law, but the k value of Q235 steel sample rate is increased greater than 45 steel。 Combined with the sample surface analysis theory, the static load of 45 steel and Q235 steel anisotropic organization caused by uneven deformation plasticity is a major cause to the result。

















