    摘要:针对不锈钢中夹杂物存在对于钢品质产生的危害性,必须合理地对夹杂物进行转化,而脱氧又是减小危害,提升钢性能的重要手段,因此对脱氧产物的研究有助于钢品质的提高。本论文主要研究不锈钢在Al-Si脱氧剂下的脱氧产物形貌特点,从而对其夹杂物的尺寸大小,分布密度,形状等因素作出相应分析研究,通过对脱氧产物的深入研究,来帮助分析不锈钢的钢品质以及相关性能指标,从而提高不锈钢的钢质量与其综合使用效率。通过脱氧制备,金相制备以及显微观察等试验,针对Al-Si脱氧剂下的脱氧产物形貌特点进行研究分析。结果表明:Al-Si脱氧剂脱氧后夹杂物大多为小型球状夹杂,且夹杂物含硅元素较多。 22324
    毕业论文关键字: Al-Si脱氧剂;脱氧产物;不锈钢;形貌研究
    Morphology of stainless steel alloy Al-Si deoxidation products
    Abstract: For the presence of inclusions in stainless steel quality for the dangers arising, must be reasonably inclusions transformation, and deoxygenation is to reduce the harm, an important means to improve the performance of the steel, and therefore contribute to the study of steel deoxidation product quality improved. In this thesis, in the Al-Si steel deoxidizer morphologies characteristic, so its inclusion size, density, shape and other factors make the appropriate analysis, through in-depth study of deoxidation products to help analyze the stainless steel steel quality and relevant performance indicators to improve the quality of its integrated steel efficient use of stainless steel. By deoxy preparation, preparation and metallurgical testing, product morphology characteristic Al-Si deoxidizer needle under microscopic observation, research and analysis, found that Al-Si deoxidation inclusions after deoxidizer mostly small spherical inclusions and inclusions of silicon elements more.
    KeyWords:  Al-Si deoxidizer; deoxidation products; stainless steel; morphology
    1 前言    1
    1.1 研究的目的与意义    1
       1.2 铝硅脱氧剂研究概述    1
    1.2.1 铝硅脱氧剂性质    3
    1.2.2 铝硅脱氧剂特点    4
    1.2.3 铝硅脱氧剂脱氧效果    4
    1.3 非金属夹杂物对钢质量影响    5
    1.4 非金属夹杂物对连铸生产过程中的影响    6
    1.5 研究内容和目标    7
    1.5.1 研究内容    7
    1.5.2 研究目标    7
    2 实验研究方法    8
    2.1实验所用原材料    8
    2.1.1 304不锈钢脱氧后试样    8
    2.1.2金相实验阶段所用材料    8
    2.2实验所用设备    9
    2.2.1金相试样抛光机    9
    2.2.2高温井式电炉    9
    2.2.3金相显微镜    11
    2.2.4扫描电子显微镜    11
    2.3 实验方案    12
    2.4 实验过程    13
    2.4.1脱氧剂制备    13
    2.4.2金相实验    13
    2.4.3 金相显微镜检测    13
    2.4.4 扫描电子显微镜检测    13
    3 实验结果及讨论分析    14
    3.1 四组试样夹杂物金相显微形貌结果    14
    3.2 Al-13.72%,Si-86.28%脱氧剂中Al,Si含量分析    19
    3.3分析讨论    27
    3.3.1脱氧剂试样夹杂物尺寸大小分析    27
    3.3.2脱氧剂试样夹杂物形状分析    28
    4 结论    30
    致谢    31
    参考文献    32
    1.1  研究的目的与意义
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