    摘要海藻酸钠是一种可生物降解的天然高聚物,在组织工程和药物运输等医学领域中具有极高的应用价值。利用海藻酸钠制备微球来对药物进行包埋是目前组织工程研究关注的热点。本文采用乳化离子交联法制备了一种海藻酸钠凝胶微球,研究了不同机械搅拌转速对微球直径和形貌的影响,发现微球的直径随转速增加而变小;以牛血清蛋白(BSA)为模型药物,测试了微球对BSA的包封率,结果表明微球直径越小,包封率越低;体外考察了海藻酸钙凝胶微球对BSA的释放性能,结果表明制备微球时转速越大,微球的直径越小,微球对BSA的释放速率越快。体外评价了海藻酸钠凝胶微球复合氧化海藻酸钠/N-琥珀酰壳聚糖水凝胶材料的溶胀和降解性能,结果表明当加入微球量为0.5ml时,复合材料的综合性能最佳。 27153
    关键词  微球  海藻酸钠  药物释放  组织工程
    Title  Research on Drug Carrying Characteristics of Functional Sodium-Alginate Hydrogel Microsphere                   
    Sodium-alginate is a biodegradable natural polymer, which has a very high value in the medical field of tissue engineering and drug delivery or the like. Sodium-alginate microspheres prepared to embedding the drug is a focus of attention in the field of tissue engineering. In this paper, Sodium-Alginate hydrogel microspheres were prepared by emulsification ionic-crosslinking. The impact of stirring rate to microsphere size and morphology was investigated, and we found that the diameter of microsphere becomes smaller with the increase of stirring rate. The BSA was used as model drug to the test the encapsulation rate of the sodium-Alginate hydrogel microsphere, and we found that the encapsulation rate becomes smaller with the decrease of the diameter. Then the property of microsphere in controlling drug release in vitro was tested also. Results indicated that the releasing speed becomes higher with the increase of the stirring rate. When the sodium-alginate micro- spheres were complexed into oxidation alginate /N-succinyl chitosan in vitro, results show that when the added amount of microspheres is 0.5ml, the composites has a best comprehensive performance composites.
    Keywords  Microspheres  Sodium-Alginate  Drug Delivery  Tissue Engineering
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景    1
    1.2  组织工程    2
    1.3  海藻酸钠    3
    1.4  水凝胶    4
    1.5  微球的研究现状    5
    1.6  壳聚糖    6
    1.7  课题的提出及内容    6
    1.7.1  课题的提出    6
    1.7.2  课题的内容    7
    2  功能化海藻酸微凝胶载药性能的研究    8
    2.1  引言    8
    2.2  实验材料及仪器    8
    2.3  实验方法    9
    2.3.1 实验材料的制备    9
    2.4  海藻酸钠凝胶微球的表征    11
    2.4.1  微球的直径和形貌观察    11
    2.4.2  不同转速下的微球对BSA的包封率    11
    2.4.3  不同转速制备的微球对BSA的体外释放    13
    2.4.4  包含微球的复合水凝胶材料溶胀性能测试    13
    2.4.5  包含微球的复合水凝胶材料体外降解测试    14
    3  结果分析与讨论    15
    3.1  微球直径与转速的关系    15
    3.2  不同转速下的微球对BSA的包封率    16
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