    本论文采用工艺流程优化后的水热法,按照标准化学计量比制备(1-x)Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-xBaTiO3 (x=0-0.08)(简称BNT-xBT)基陶瓷粉体,之后将粉体在1100-1200℃下进行烧结,获得BNT-xBT陶瓷。获得陶瓷后对其微观结构、相组成以及电学性能进行分析,确定在x=0.06时,BNT-xBT基陶瓷会出现准同型相界(MPB),三方相、四方相同时共存。对样品的性能进行检测,由饱和电滞回线图可以得出,x的范围在0.03-0.08时,测得的饱和极化强度Pm值约为48 mC/cm2,而剩余极化强度Pr的值约为40 C/cm2。样品的矫顽场由纯BNT陶瓷的约70 kV/cm降低至x=0.06-0.08时的约30 kV/cm。此外,x=0.06时陶瓷样品的d33值最大,此时值为166.8 pC/N。通过改进工艺流程,漏电流密度减小,避免了样品制备过程中损失过多的元素Bi、Na。33135
    关键词  Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-BaTiO3  无铅压电陶瓷  压电常数  矫顽场
    Title    The preparation and improved properties of Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 based lead-free piezoelectric ceramics           
    Lead-free piezoelectric ceramics prepared by conventional solid state sintering method, are usually easy to accomplish and cost not much. However,the ceramics are normally not able to get good piezoelectric properties due to the high coercive electric field of the powders and the loss of Bi and Na components during the process of preparation.
    In this paper, (1–x)Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3–xBaTiO3(abbreviated as BNT-xBT) nanopowders were prepared according to standard stoichiometry by improved hydro-thermal method. Then the corresponding ceramics were sintered at 1100-1200 oC. The crystal structures,the chemical states, the electrical properties were characterized and the results show that rhombohedral–tetragonal MPBs exist at x=0.06.Then the properties of ceramics samples are tested. According to the saturated polarization versus electric field loops, the acquired saturated and remnant polarizations are around 48 mC/cm2 and 40 mC/cm2 at x=0.03-0.08, and the coercive electric field decreases from about 70 kV/cm of pure BNT to about 30 kV/cm at x=0.06-0.08. In addition, the piezoelectric d33 reaches the maximum, which is 166.8 pC/N at x=0.06. By improving the processes to prepare BNT-xBT, the leakage current is reduced through compressing the loss of Bi and Na components.
    Keywords  Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-xBaTiO3    Lead-free piezoelectric ceramics    piezoelectric constant coercive electric field
    目   次
    1  引言 1
    1.1  压电材料概述 1
    1.2  无铅压电陶瓷材料 4
    1.3  BNT基陶瓷的性能研究 7
    1.4  BNT基陶瓷粉体的制备方法 9
    1.5  本论文的研究思路与研究内容 9
    2  实验方案 11
    2.1  实验用主要原料 11
    2.2  各原料的性质 11
    2.3  实验仪器与设备 12
    2.4  工艺流程 13
    2.5  性能表征 15
    3  实验结果与分析 16
    3.1  BNT-BT陶瓷测量结果 16
    3.2  相组成分析 16
    3.3  BNT-0.06BT基陶瓷的显微结构分析 17
    3.4  铁电性能检测 17
    3.5  电场对铁电性能的影响分析 18
    3.6  压电、介电性能的分析 19
    3.7  陶瓷传导机制分析 20
    结论  22
    致谢  23
    1  引言
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