    摘要: Al-Cu系列合金具有优异的力学性能,是汽车工业领域必不可少的结构材料之一。各国研究者们通过添加其它合金元素或改善熔炼条件等手段,积极开发出此系列合金的新型产品,为达到稳定质量的目的,还对这些新型合金的热加工工艺进行了深入研究。
    Study On A High Strength Aluminum Alloy Pressure Processing And Heat Treatment Strengthening
    Abstract: In this paper, the effects of structure and properties on a new Al-Cu series alloy was research, the optimum of rolling and heat treatment and was obtained.
    The study of the basic performance of the alloys in the cast state was carried out through Microstructure experiment, mechanical tensile tests, the thermal expansion test and thermal performance experiments; the analysis on the rolling temperature on the microstructures and mechanical performance was studied in a way of the alloy hot rolling process determined refer to Gleeble thermal simulation result; the analysis of the impact of the optimum heat treatment on microstructure and properties was carried out through the treatment by the temperature and time of observation and testing different sample microstructure and Micro-hardness determine the optimum heat treatment of alloys; an analysis of the impact of heat treatment on the microstructure and properties of rolled plate was studied in a way of rolling board recrystallization process and solution aging process.
    Keyword: Al-Cu alloy; Rolling; Heat treatment; Structure; Mechanical properties
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 本课题的研究目的和意义    1
    1.2 本课题的研究内容    1
    1.3 文献综述    1
    1.3.1 铝及铝合金概述    2
    1.3.2高强Al-Cu合金的国内外发展现状    2
    1.4 铝合金热轧技术的研究现状    3
    1.4.1 铝合金轧制技术及其分类    3
    1.4.2 热轧过程中的动态变化    3
    1.4.3 热轧道次间的静态变化    5
    1.4.4 热轧时铝合金的变形抗力    5
    1.4.5 热轧参数的确定原则    6
    1.5热处理对Al-Cu合金组织和性能的影响    7
    1.5.1铝合金的强化机理    7
    1.5.2 Al-Cu系列合金的热处理    8
    1.5.3 铝合金的热处理规范    12
    1.6热处理工艺方案    13
    1.6.1固溶处理工艺的研究    13
    1.6.2时效处理工艺的研究    13
    1.7拉伸强度    14
    1.7.1概述    14
    2实验材料及设备    14
    2.1设备及其操作    14
    2.1.1镶嵌机    14
    2.1.2高速切断机    15
    2.1.3高温箱式炉    15
    2.1.4金相显微镜    16
    2.1.5拉伸试验机    16
    2.2实验材料    17
    3实验过程及数据处理    17
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