    摘要:本论文就油墨行业中一种新兴功能性油墨----水性导电油墨进行了研究实验。按照油墨设计配方原则,水性导电油墨由粘结料树脂、导电填料、溶剂、助剂这4部分组成。水性油墨以水为主要溶剂,粘结料选用水性丙烯酸树脂、加入碳黑作为导电填料。为了使油墨具有更好的稳定性、印刷适性,提高印品表面性能,加入了乙醇、表面活性剂、防静电剂等助剂。用S-70丙烯酸树脂(固体)通过合理的配方配制成可溶于水的乳液。再通过改变粘结料和导电填料的含量配比,测试电阻,选出导电性最好的配方。再对不同温度下油墨的干燥速度做出对比,确定最佳方案,制备出具有良好导电性和印刷适性的水性导电油墨。关键词: 水性油墨;导电油墨;水性丙烯酸树脂;碳黑9479
    The preparation of water-based conductive ink
    Abstract: This thesis were studied experimental for an emerging functional inks that is water-based ink industry conductive printing ink. In accordance with the principle of ink design formula, water-based conductive ink made up by connecting material resins, conductive fillers, solvents, additives of the 4 parts. Water-based ink with water as the main solvent, links to use water-based acrylic resin, add carbon black as conductive filler. In order to make the ink has a better stability, printing eligibility, to improve the surface properties, printing quality added to ethanol, surface active agent, antistatic agent and other additives. With S - 70 acrylic resin (solid) by reasonable mixture water soluble formula of emulsion. Then changing the links and content ratio of the conductive fillers, resistance testing, choose the best conductivity formula. To make contrast to ink drying rate at different temperatures, to determine the best solution, prepared has good electrical conductivity and water-based conductive ink printing eligibility.

    Keyword:  water-based ink; conductive ink; Water-based acrylic resin ; carbon black
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 选题目的及意义    1
    1.2 国内外现状及发展趋势    1
    1.3 水性油墨概况    3
    1.3.1 水性油墨的环保优势    3
    1.3.2 水性油墨的组成    3
    1.4 水性导电油墨概况    4
    1.4.1 导电油墨    4
    1.4.2 水性导电油墨    6
    2 实验部分    8
    2.1 水性导电油墨的原料    8
    2.1.1粘结料    8
    2.1.2 溶剂    9
    2.1.3 填料    10
    2.1.4 助剂    10
    2.2 仪器设备及实验原料    15
    2.3 粘结料的制备    11
    2.4 涂膜厚度不同时对导电性的测试    11
    2.5 ph=13时粘结料与填料的比例不同时对导电性的测试    12
    2.6 ph=8时粘结料与填料的比例不同时对导电性的测试    13
    2.7 pH=13,不添加助剂时,粘结料与填料比例不同时的测试    13
    2.8 添加助剂不同时对导电性的测试    14
    2.9 不同温度下干燥时间与导电性的测试    14
    3 实验数据与分析    17
    3.1 涂抹厚度不同时对导电性的测试    17
    3.2 pH=13时粘结料与填料的比例不同时对导电性的测试    17
    3.3 pH=8时粘结料与填料的比例不同时对导电性的测试    18
    3.4 pH=13,不添加助剂时,粘结料与填料比例不同时的测试    19
    3.5 pH=13,添加助剂不同时对导电性的测试    20
    3.6 不同温度下干燥时间与导电性的测试    21
    4 结论    24
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