From the mode of trade and trade level, this paper analysed the historical process of cross-strait trade, and introduced to the successive accession in WTO, ma in China Taiwan and the mainland signed a series of files and implementation。 Next this text constructed the simultaneous equations model, including consumption, investment and export and national income identity, selected of 2005-2015 time series data of China Taiwan's economy, using ordinary least squares method to investigate the cross-strait trade impact on Taiwan's economic growth。 Results show that the cross-strait exchanges to promote the cross-strait trade increased significantly, and keep the volume of trade in a stable growth。 Cross-strait trade on economic growth in Taiwan have a stimulating effect, but not as good as expected, the lack of Taiwan's economy in terms of investment and the lack of China import and export scale development under the influence of good than expected。 Taiwan can maintain close ties with the mainland under the original system construction of the economic and trade exchanges, but influenced by political factors, cross-strait dialogue and exchanges in the short term outlook is not optimistic。
毕业论文关键词 两岸贸易 ;台湾经济增长; ECFA ; 联立方程组模型
Keyword: Trade across the Taiwan Straits;Taiwan economy;System of simultaneous equations
一。 引言 5
(一)研究背景与意义 5
(二)国内外研究现状源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766 和发展趋势 5
(三)研究的基本内容 6
二。 两岸贸易的历史进程 7
(一)初期(1978-1986) 7
(二)成长期(1987-2007) 7
(三)旺盛期(2008—至今) 8
(四)贸易发展特点 9
三。 两岸贸易中的制度建设 10
(一)两岸先后加入WTO 10
(二)“大三通”的实现 11
(三)“ECFA”的签订 11
四。 实证研究 13
(一)研究方式 13
(二)数据来源 16
(三)数据分析 17
(四)模型OLS估计结果 19