    How Will AI Affect Our Life?    Since the news that the Google’s AlphaGo defeated Lee Sedol, the World Go Champion, 4 to 1 in the match was announced, the AI(Artificial Intelligence) uncontrol theory has been rumoured crazily.
        But for my part,that is nonsense.AI is just a branch of computer science, and starting from the date of its creation, it was set to serve humanity in all its life.So how will AI affect our life?
    AI is closely linked with our life, and its development potential is unlimited.On the one hand,in the future, AI will become the one of the most important labor.It can release people from tedious work, for instance, the online multilingual translator make the realization of get translated information anytime and anywhere become possible, which improves the working efficiency.So that people have more energy to contribute themselves to the creation of more advanced technique.
    On the other hand, AI will become the best assistant and friend with people.It can not only do some housework, but also take care of the olds, especially the disabled patients.With the rapid development of AI, I think it’s possible the future AI could judge the humans’ physical condition through the body temperature or the blood pressure.
    It is worth talking about the words:AI will rule the world, which was said by Elon Musk, the co-founder of SpaceX.Well I don’t agree with this fallacy.For now, AI has no independent consciousness and thinking, but people do have.What’s more, people always has the capacity of controlling AI through the computer program.
    As the two sides of things, AI also has disadvantages.Its efficient work will makes more and more people face the risk of unemployment.But the challenge is the chance.It will urge people to get better and more efficient in order to keep their position.Secondly, just like the other technique,AI also has the technical fault.Imaging that the detection system of driverless cars suddenly get error in the street, the consequences would be unthinkable.So the saver AI with less defects will be the future direction of human studies.
    Being wise to AI, it will lead to the development of human society infinite potential.

    As far as the subject is concerned to people, it is undeniable that artificial intelligence such as AI will h*e more and more influence on our life in the future.

    In my view, we should not think it as a bad thing or good thing like that. Just like the gunpowder, it brought great changes to our life, at the same time also brought war. Gunpowder to our life will be like depends on how people use it. The same is true for artificial intelligence. In fact, we will benefit a lot from artificial intelligence in many ways as long as we make full use of it and take it under our control.

    For example we can apply this artificial intelligence such as AI on the robot. Robots can take some dangerous jobs so that people can stay away from troubles. At the same time, if this technology is applied in medicine, doctors can do more careful work. There is a trend that machine will replace human’s jobs in some area.

    Smart phones, smart watches are increasingly becoming normally.  H*e to admit that artificial intelligence has absolutely affected our daily life in many ways. Therefore, in the face of artificial intelligence we do not reject it, but the *ter application of it.
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