    Abstract   With the popularity of Internet and the development of E-commerce, online shopping  is becoming more and more popular with its convenience, speed and low price. University students, who are easy to accept new things, have been the main force in online shopping. Besides, conformity is common in university students’ online shopping. This paper analyzes university students’ conformity in their online shopping mainly in aspect of influencing factors that affect conformity.      This paper chooses undergraduates (mainly in Xuzhou  City) as the research subjects and adopts the method of questionnaire to design the questions from the aspects of the basic information, herd behavior in online shopping, and attitude toward conformity of the respondents. In order to observe and analyze the research results better, the author uses Excel to draw some charts according to the data.      This research has found that conformity is quite common in university students’ online shopping. Personal factors, group factors and situational factors have different effects on this conformity. Also,  in general, university students’ attitude toward and feelings on their conformity in online shopping tend to be neutral.  41249
    Key words: university student      online shopping      conformity
    摘要      随着互联网的普及和电子商务的迅猛发展,网络购物也因其便利、快捷、价格低廉的特点,受到越来越多人的青睐。其中,由于大学生易于接受新事物,更成为网络购物的主力军。在大学生的网络购物行为中,从众行为屡见不鲜。而本文主要从从众行为的影响因素这一方面对大学生网络购物中的从众行为进行探析。     本文选取大学生(以徐州地区为主)为研究对象,利用调查问卷的方法,从受访者的基本信息、网络购物从众行为和网络购物从中感受等方面进行问卷的设计。为了便于观察和分析,本文利用 Excel对数据进行了绘图。 本文研究发现,从众行为在大学生网络购物中普遍存在。个人因素、群体因素、情境因素分别对大学生网络购物中的从众行为有不同的影响。同时,大学生对其从众行为的态度和感受总体上趋于中立化。 
    毕业论文关键词:大学生     网络购物     从众行为
    1. Introduction.. 1
       1.1 Significance of the Research.. 1
       1.2 Aim of the Research.. 1
       1.3 The Thesis Statement 2
       1.4 The Overall Structure of the Paper 2
    2. Literature Review 2
       2.1 Conformity.. 2
         2.1.1 The Basic Connotation of Conformity. 3
         2.1.2 Influencing Factors of Conformity3
         2.1.3 Three Categories of Conformity... 3
       2.2 Online Shopping.. 4
         2.2.1 Introduction of Online Shopping...4
    2.2.2 The Status Quo of Online Shopping 4
       2.3 Research Status.... 5
    3. Methodology 6
       3.1 The Research Method 6   
       3.2 Hypothesis of the Research. 6
    4. Results and Discussion 7
       4.1 Basic Information of the Respondents.... 7
      4.2 Condition of Online Shopping and Conformity of University Students.... 8       
    4.3 Analysis of Hypothesis 1. 9
       4.4 Analysis of Hypothesis 2... 11
       4.5 Analysis of Hypothesis 3... 12
       4.6 Analysis of Hypothesis 4... 13
    5. Conclusion. 14
       5.1 Major Finding 14
       5.2 Limitations.... 15
       5.3 Suggestions... 15
    Reference. 17
  1. 上一篇:智能手机的品牌形象对大学生购买行为的影响调查问卷
  2. 下一篇:大学生网购中从众行为的调查问卷
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