
    摘要立体车库是用来停放各种车辆的专用机械设备,其发明是为了节约场地,减少停车 成本。立体车库最早起源于二十世纪 20 年代的美国。经过长时间的发展,先进科技也 被应用于车库的改进与创新。立体车库现如今已经发展出几种成熟的类型,主要有如下 几种:升降横移类、简易升降类、垂直循环类、巷道堆垛类、垂直升降类等。立体车库 运行原理为:通过对载车板运动的控制使其能够被放到指定位置。车库的核心为控制系 统和驱动系统。立体化车库由于其独特的使用性,在未来市场中需求将会越来越多。本 文所述的车库类型为升降横移类型,分成成四个部分:基本架构、横移装置、升降装置、 控制系统。前三部分为独立的机械运动机构,控制系统用来实现车辆的存取动作。横移 升降机构用来控制载车板的运动形式,使存取车操作时间最短,让车库达到最高效率运 行。本车库采用模块化设计,即分别设计横移、升降装置、车库机架,然后在将这三部 分连接起来,化繁为简,最后加载动力源,控制模块等。本论文结合设计图纸与阐述相 结合的方式系统清晰地描述了作者设计全过程,架构简洁,思路清晰。81929

    毕业论文关键词:同步传动;效率 ;单动力源 ;立体车库

    Abstract:Stereo garage is a special mechanical equipment used to park all kinds of vehicles ,and the purpose of this invention is to save space and reduce the cost of parking。Stereo garage was originated in the early 1920s in United States。After a long period of development,

    advanced technology has also been applied to the stereo garage。Three dimensional garage has now developed several mature types,the main types as follows:Lifting and transferring,

    single-lifting,vertical circulation , roadway stacking, vertical lifting and so on。The operation principle of the garage is as follows: the car will be put in a specified position by controlling the move of car's carrier。The stereo garage's core are control and driving system。Because of the unique function,more and more stereo garages will be constructed。The type of the stereo garage in this paper is lifting and transferring。It consists of four parts,which are the basic structure, the horizontal moving device, lifting device and control system。 The first three parts are independent motion mechanism, and the control system is used to realize the vehicle accessible。 Sliding lifting mechanism is used to control the movement of the car's loading plate。It saves the time which is used to move cars and get the garage to achieve the highest efficiency。 Modular design is applied to design the stereo garage,。First,design the every part

    of the stereo garage。Second,connect all parts of the stereo garage through the certain rules。 At last,power source and control system will be installed。This paper describes the whole process of design clearly by combine pictures and words so that it can be read more easily。

    Keywords:Synchronous drive;efficiency;single power source; stereo garage


    第一章 绪论 1

    1。1 研究背景 1

    1。2 国内外研究现状及存在的问题 2

    第二章 立体车库总体方案设计 3

    2。1 升降横移式立体车库简介 3

    2。2 钢结构主体设计 4

    2。2。1 立柱型材的选择 5

    2。2。2 横梁以及其他支撑件的选择 6

    第三章 立体车库各功能模块设计

  1. 上一篇:六自由度三维扫描仪机械臂设计说明书
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  5. 货币国际化国内外研究现状

  6. 甲硫醇钠生产工艺设计任务书

  7. Toeplitz定理及其应用+文献综述

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