Tci = inlet fluid temperature tube side (K)
aps = shell side pass area (m2)
= outlet fluid temperature shell side (K)
B = baffles spacing (m)
Baffle_cut = Baffle cut () Cpow = energy cost ($/kWh) Ci = capital investment ($) Cl = clearance (m)
Co = annual operating cost ($/yr)
Cod = total discounted operating cost ($) Cps = Cp of shellside fluid (kJ/Kg K)
Cpt = Cp of tubeside fluid (kJ/Kg K) Ctot = total annual cost ($)
Des = equivalent shell diameter (m) Db = Tube bundle diameter (m)
Ds = shell inside diameter (m) di = tube inside diameter (m) d0 = tube outside diameter (m)
F = temperature difference correction factor fs = friction factor shell side
ft = Darcy friction factor tube side 论文网
H = annual operating time (h/yr)
hs = convective coefficient shell side (W/m2K) ht = convective coefficient tube side (W/m2K) i = annual discount rate ()
jh = Parameter for Baffle Cut K1 = numerical constant
Ks = thermal conductivity shell side (W/m K) Kt = thermal conductivity tube side (W/m K) L = tubes length (m)
LMTD = mean logarithmic temperature difference (degC)
ms = shell side mass flow rate (kg/s) mt = tube side mass flow rate (kg/s) n1 = numerical constant
n = Number of passes (1, 2, 4, 6, 8)
Tco = outlet fluid temperature tube side (K) U = overall heat transfer coefficient (W/m2K)
Greek symbols
vs = fluid velocity shell side (m/s) vt = fluid velocity tube side (m/s)
t = viscosity at tube wall temperature (Pa s)
wt = viscosity at core flow temperature (Pa s)
s = fluid density shell side (kg/m3)
ts = fluid density tube side (kg/m3)
= overall pumping efficiency REFERENCES
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