User Archives
GT Designer User Archives is a database system which the user can configure himself。 Data from technical processes can in this way be continuously stored on a server PC and displayed online in runtime。 Moreover, recipes and set point assignments for the connected controls can be stored in the User Archives and passed on to the controls as necessary。
GT Designer Process Control Options
The storage functions support the automatic swapping of data from the hard disk to long-term data media as well as the deleting of data on the hard disk。
Picture Tree Manager
The Picture Tree Manager is used to manage a hierarchy of systems, subsystems, function names, and Graphics Designer pictures。
Life beat Monitoring
Life beat Monitoring is used to constantly monitor the inpidual systems (operator station and automation system) and visualizes the results as screen displays in the runtime system, automatically triggers the horn component, and generates the automation system messages。
Base Data
Base Data is used for configuring the basic GT Designer data by means of Wizards。
Split Screen Wizard
The Split Screen Wizard is a component of the Split Screen Manager。 This is used for configuring and initializing the monitor and screen settings for the current GT Designer project。 You should perform this initialization immediately after creating a project, as other applications (runtime, group display, etc。) access these data。
Alarm Logging Wizard
The Alarm Logging Wizard is used for configuring and initializing the message window, messages, message classes and systems of the automation system messages, and the horn signaling device for the current GT Designer project。
PLC简介可编程控制器是60年代末在美国首先出现的,当时叫可编程逻辑控制器为PLC(Programmable Logic Controller),目的是用来取代继电器。用以执行逻辑判断、计时、计数等其他控制功能。提出PLC概念的是美国通用汽车公司。PLC的基本设计思想是把计算机功能完善、灵活、通用等优点和继电器控制系统的简单易懂、操作方便、价格便宜等优点结合起来,控制器的硬件是标准的、通用的。根据实际应用对象,将控制内容编成软件写入控制器的用户程序存储器内,使控制器和被控对象连接方便。70年代中期以后,PLC已广泛地使用微处理器作为中央处理器,输入输出模块和外围电路也都采用了中、大规模甚至超大规模的集成电路,这时的PLC已不再是仅有逻辑(LC)判断功能,还同时具有数据处理、PID调节和数据通信功能。国际电工委员会(IEC)颁布的可编程控制器标准草案中对可编程控制器作了如下的定义:可编程控制器是一种数字运算操作的电子系统,专为在工业环境下应用而设计。它采用了可编程序的存储器,用来在其内部存储执行逻辑运算,顺序控制、定时、计数和算术运算,例如操作指令,并通过数字式和模拟式的输入和输出,控制各种类型的机械或生产过程。可编程控制器及其有关外围设备,易于与工业控制系统联成一个整体,易于扩充其功能设计。可编程控制器对用户来说,是一种无触点设备,改变程序即可改变生产工艺。目前,可编程控制器已成为工厂自动化的强有力工具,得到了广泛的普及推广应用。可编程控制器是面向用户的专用工业控制计算机,具有许多明显的特点。论文网
可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)是Richard E。 Morley创造出的一种工业控制装置。PLC已经被广泛应用于工业领域,包括机械制造业、运输系统、化学过程设备、等许多其他领域。当时,PLC是一种类似于编程语言的软件逻辑或者叫做继电器梯形图,用于代替硬件逻辑,并且使开发时间由6个月缩短到6天。