    Abstract—With the increasing miniaturization of robotic devices, some actuators are not provided with absolute position sensing, thus making the state of the system unknown at startup. In this paper we present a vision based method for the automatic calibration of serial pan-tilt kinematic struc-tures with a perspective camera on the end-effector. Examples of such systems are surveillance cameras and humanoid robot heads. The method is based on prospective motions of one joint in the kinematic chain to induce image motion in the camera. The analysis of the induced homography allows the computation of the angle of the other joint. The method can be iterated on more axes to calibrate longer serial chains composed of rotational joints. The method requires calibrated cameras, but runs completely automatic. We have implemented and validated the method in a small humanoid 21950
    robot head.
    Whenever the motors in robotic system are not provided
    with absolute sensors, it is not possible to know the state
    of the robot at startup. This happens frequently because
    most motors are equipped with incremental encoders as the
    main feedback sensor, lacking absolute position sensing.
    Therefore, a procedure is necessary to set the robot to a
    known initial state, also dented its home, or zero position.
    To address this problem, it is usual to equip the robot
    with limit switches, or homing switches, that detect when
    the axes are in particular angular positions. However, due
    to miniaturization constrains, it may not be possible to
    install such sensors in the robot. Another possibility is to
    drive the axes to a mechanical stop and monitor the motor
    current. When the current exceeds a certain value, then
    the motor has reach the mechanical limit, whose angle
    can be known a priori. However, this procedure adds a
    source of physical stress in the system and may damage
    the mechanical components in the long term.
    Even when the above strategies are feasible, they require
    the careful placement of limit and home switches, and a
    precise measurement of the mechanical limits. Addition-
    ally, when attaching the cameras to the end-effector, there
    are always some misalignments that may degrade the initial
    calibration procedure.
    In this paper we propose a solution to this problem.
    We present a self-calibration procedure, at start time, that
    does not require absolute sensors or the need to drive the
    system to mechanical hard stops. Instead, it performs small
    prospective motions in the robot joints and observes the
    This work was supported by the European Commission, Project IST-
    004370 RobotCub, and by the Portuguese Government - Fundac¸ ˜ ao
    para a Ciˆ encia e Tecnologia (ISR/IST plurianual funding) through the
    POS Conhecimento Program that includes FEDER funds, and through
    project BIO-LOOK, PTDC / EEA-ACR / 71032 / 2006.
    B. Tworek is with Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics,
    Computer Science and Electronics, AGH University of Technology and
    Science, Krakow, Poland bartosz.tworek@gmail.com
    A. Bernardino and J. Santos-Victor are with the Institute for
    Systems and Robotics, Instituto Superior T´ ecnico, Lisboa, Portugal
    falex,jasvg@isr.ist.utl.ptimage motion induced in the camera. If the scene is static
    and scene objects are sufficiently distant from the camera,
    the induced image motion only depends on the prospective
    rotation and the angle between the camera’s optical axis
    and the rotation axis. By iterating this procedure in the
    several robot axes, it is therefore possible to automatically
    determine the wake-up state of the system.
    We address explicitly the case of pan-tilt kinematic
    structures because they are very common both on surveil-
    lance cameras and in robot heads. We implement the
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