window with a small clearance D typically of about 1 mm. Three input external
generalized forces (P—the rolling load, Fh—the horizontal force, and M—the rotating
torque) are acting on the roll system. In its corresponding skeletal structure
representation, numbers one, two, and three represent the lower BR, housing column,
and chock, respectively. The skeletal structure of the WR system is identical to that of
the BR system.
Based on the work presented above, the following conclusions can be drawn:(1)
Contemporary plate rolling mills are not statically determinate (unstable) because the side clearances of the roll system are not controlled effectively and the negative
effects of microbending deflections of the rolls on the performance of radial roller
bearing are not considered. (2) It is impossible to maintain the rolls parallel by offset
distance alone in four- or six-high plate rolling mills with clearances in the roll system.
On the contrary, the offset distance results in asymmetric cross and deviations in the
rolling load. Therefore, the offset distance should be eliminated.(3) A new transfer
mode of the rolling load is one of the methods for improving the performance of
rolling mills.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the Science & Technology
Committee of the Tianjin government (Grant No.09ZCKFGX02800), the Doctoral
fund of the Ministry of Education of China (Grant No. 20111333110001), the
National Science and Technology Support Program (Grant No. 2011BAF15B01),
and the reviews and precious advice of Professor Kornel F.Ehmann from
Northwestern University as well.
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