
    The concrete had a compressive strength of 40.8, 46.9, 46.9, 40.8
    and 47.2 MPa for plain (CSM0) and retrofitted specimens (RPSM1,
    RPSM2, RSM1, and RSM2) respectively.
    The beams were wrapped with CFRP on both sides as well as
    around the back of the column in order to provide FRP anchorage.
    It should be mentioned that in a real structure, this can be achieved
    using a bolted FRP systemas reported by Oehlers [9] and is covered
    by australian standard guidelines at present.
    The testing rig was a 3 m by 3 m rigid frame. The free end of
    the beam was loaded, the detail allowing push and pull. Axial
    loading of the column was simulated by tensioning four high-
    strength low-elongation steel bars that were placed outside the
    column by the use of a hydraulic jack while a load cell measured
    the applied load. The columns were supported at each end with
    specially designed supports that ensured free rotation but no
    translation (see Fig. 2). This special hinge support was designed
    to simulate the real performance of the subassemblies at the
    inflection points as well as enabling application of a constant
    load into the column. This test frame was equipped with a
    hydraulic actuator of 100 kN capacity and maximum travel of
    ±125 mm, and a hydraulic jack with a maximum capacity of
    500 kN. The column was subjected to a simulated axial gravity
    load of 305 kN which was scaled down from the load experi-
    enced in the actual structure. Load and deflections were automatically recorded using a com-
    puterised data acquisition system. As shown in Fig. 3, the beam tip
    displacement and the displacements of a couple of points along the
    beam were measured using linear variable displacement transduc-
    rs (LVDTs). In addition, the relative displacement, for a primary
    point at the beam’s end, and a secondary point located 15 mm
    way from the primary point, was captured using four LVDTs
    placed on the concrete surface at the reinforcement position and
    t the extreme fibres of the concrete compressive zone in order
    o obtain the strain in the main steel bars and the concrete. The
    ame set-up for LVDTs was arranged at the cut-off point of re-
    paired/retrofitted specimens as well.
    In all tests, the loading was applied monotonically, using an
    ctuator that was capable of applying loads in both load and dis-
    placement control regimes. The load was applied first in a load
    ontrol regime. For definition of yield displacement based on the
    dealised response of the specimens, a bilinear approximation is
    used as shown in Fig. 4, where the yield displacement, Dy is 4/3
    of the displacement at a load of about 0.75Py where Py defines
    he yield strength of the member [1]. When the load reached
    75% of the theoretical first yield (obtained from numerical analysis
    by ANSYS), the corresponding displacement was captured and then
    4/3 of this value was considered as the yield displacement,Dy. Sub-
    equent tests were then performed using a displacement control
    egime from the ductility level l = 1, established at Dy then 2, then
    3 and continuing up until failure, where l = D/Dy and D is the vary-
    ng beam tip displacement.
    A briefly results of tests on five specimens are presented here.
    These are specimens CSM0, RPSM1, RPSM2, RSM1 and RSM2 of关键词:梁柱节点;混凝土梁;纤文增强复合材料 (FRP);网状粘贴;强度;延性
    摘  要  人们普遍认为,钢筋混凝土梁柱节点是建筑物承受横向荷载作用的关键要素,而且他们需要特殊的设计处理后接受强柱弱梁的设计理念。在地震多发地区,节点应设计为允许大量的能量耗散到相邻的元素但强度和塑性没有重大损失。该框架通常经过强柱弱梁概念精心设计与其节点的复杂相应。有时候,光构造是不够的(例如,钢筋混凝土节点设计的早期的规范没有足够的横向抗力)。网状粘帖FRP(纤文增强复合材料)是为数不多的几个可能的加固方法之一,可以使用在当一个欠佳的节点破坏导致结构强度的严重损失时。本文中提出了一些对加强FRP测试结果的样本。结果表明,该方法是有效的,能够恢复甚至提高系统强度。此外,使用平衡和相容的基本原理,提出了一个分析模型,简化了该加固方案的设计与分析。基于该模型,提出了一系列关于选择改善指定节点抗弯承载力和曲率延性的FRP的类型和数量设计图。论文网
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  2. 下一篇:蜗轮蜗杆的磨损形式英文文献和中文翻译
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