
    As  far  as  postconsumer  recycled  plastics  are  concerned,  their
    properties  are  even  worse  than  those  of  postindustrial  materials.
    Unlike  postindustrial  recycled  plastics,  postconsumer  recycled plastics  are  exposed  to  a  variety  of  often  severe  situations  during product  usage.  As  a  result,  their  properties  are  often  drastically reduced.  Therefore,  the  traditional  applications  for  postconsumer recycled  plastics  are  restricted  to  products  in  which  high  performance  is  not  required.  Common  examples  are  polyester  fibers made  from  recycled  PET  beverage  containers  and  core  materials seen  in  coinjection  molding  processes.
    If the performance of products containing postindustrial and/or postconsumer recycled materials could be improved, then the consumption  of  recycled  materials  would  be  much  higher  and  the associated  amount  of  material  wasted  and  ending  up  in  landfills would be dramatically reduced. For some time the plastics industry has been searching for new ways to enable wider utilization of recycled  materials.  The  overall  plastics  recycling  field,   however,has  two  major  problems: (i) collecting  recyclable  materials  and preparing (cleaning and regranulating) them for future use and (ii) developing  capabilities  to  process  recycled  materials  effectively into new products and/or saleable intermediate materials that meet the  needs  of  suitable  existing  markets  .  The  second  of  these two  problems  would  be  resolved  if  a  processing  technology  capable  of  significantly   improving  the  quality  of  products  made from  recycled  materials  was  developed.  The  focus  of  the  present investigation  is  one  such  technology,  namely  vibration-assisted injection  molding (VA I M ).
    Vibration-assisted  injection  molding  is  a  novel  manufacturing technique  based  on  the  enhancement  of  final   product  properties via  melt  manipulation  during  processing.  Several  types  of  melt manipulation  techniques  have  been  investigated  to  date.  The  development  of  these  techniques  was  often  targeted  at  yielding  improvements in injection molded parts, and many led to significant property  enhancements.  Examples  of  techniques  that  have  been investigated  include  the  SCORIM  process,  the  moving  boundary process, the push-pull process, and the RHEOMOLDING process.The  author  has  conducted  a  comprehensive  review  of  these  processing  methods  elsewhere .  However,  to  date  none  of  these techniques appear to have been explored with the goal of enhancing  the  utilization  of  recycled  materials.  With  this  in  mind,  the vibration-assisted  injection  molding  process  was  utilized  during the  present  study  to  manufacture  products  containing  recycled polystyrene.  The  goal  of  the  study  was  to  explore  the  level  to which  the  mechanical  strength  of  products  containing  recycled materials  could  be  improved  through VAIM.
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