
    Fig.3.Observation for Multi-Layered DLC film after tribolo-gical test: after 5,000 shorts for DLC film on substrate with radius of 600 um(right).
     Fig.4.miniature desktop servo-press machine and its specification.
    4. Press forming for single and unit parts
    4.1 Development of miniature press machine
    A miniature press machine with desktop size was developed for press forming and assembly of micro parts. Fig. 4 shows a photo of the machine and its specifications. The press is actuated by a servomotor and controllable precisely. It is possible to supply materials simultaneously in three directions during process.
    4.2 Fabrication of Micro single parts
    A two-steps punching process was carried out for fabrication of a micro gear with a central hole by using the micro fabrication system. In this case, alignment of elements of the die for each process step, and feeding and positioning of material at each step will be very important. Fig. 5 shows the photo of the gear and the specification. The gear was successfully fabricated and the en-or in concentric circles was about 3 um. In this case, the process rate was 60 spm.
    Fig.5.Photo image of a micro gear and the dies for the press forming.
      Fig.6.Design image of press-forming dies and unit part.

    4.3 Fabrication of unit part
    Fabrication of a unit part was carried out using the micro press forming system. A unit part with three components was designed as a sample shown in Fig. 6. Two movable components and a base plate are press-formed and assembled together in the same progressive die. The movable components are joined by dowel pins on the base plate and rotational around the pins. The process includes punching, bending, imprinting, pinning and so on. The process with 5 steps for punching the shape of functional elements, respectively, and 10 steps for punching and forming the base plate, and furthermore, 4 steps for joining and assembly were performed in this case. Fig. 7 shows the products fabricated by the process. The results show that the unit part was successfully fabricated by using the press forming in a progressive die. One of most important issues for fabrication of micro functional devices such as MEMS, Biochip and so on, is manipulation and assembly of the parts. The automatic manipulation and assembly in the progressive die manifests very higher potential for production of micro functional devices by using micro press forming.
    5. Conclusions
    A micro press forming and automatic assembly processes in a progressive die was developed and applied to fabricate micro single and unit parts. Highenergy beams were introduced for fabrication of the micro die with feature of several micrometers and DLC coating for construction of film on the surface of the die for improving the wear-resistance. Several kinds of dies were fabricated by using the developed technology and applied to press-form micro-metallic parts. A punching process was utilized to fabricate a micro gear. Furthermore, a unit parts with free components was fabricated by using the press forming and automatic assembly processes.
    摘要制造过程中的装配工艺用于金属零件的制造和微冲压成型。该技术基于高能光束,如离子和短脉冲激光器的开发制造,纳米尺度的微尺度和精加工表面。此外,数字链路控制表面的覆盖膜是为了提高耐磨性,减少摩擦。微型齿轮的直径0.2毫米。此外,一个装置是通过精密级进模使用微压力系统制造。结果表明,微型金属成形新技术可能是一个如微机械电子系统, 生物芯片可低成本和大量制造的微设备。论文网
    1 介绍
    微机械电子系统(MEMS)和生物芯片在这十年来很吸引人注意。这些微设备的微器件主要由硅或玻璃,并且通过使用微机械加工技术,通常成本非常高。为了使微机械电子系统制造工艺稳定在较低的成本是一个重要的问题。由于微加工技术是基于光刻法,用于处理在2文或2.5文特征,微机电系统只能有限制结构具有脆弱的材料。相反,金属延性的属性,电导率,使基于微机械电子系统的金属成形制成可以有更大的自由度在结构上具有较高的强度和韧性材料。另一方面,金属在亚毫米或微米尺度成形也由于结构部件的小型化的音频 - 视频或信息技术设备成为一个非常重要的问题。
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