
    the best gate location of injection molding was esti—
    mated.Subsequently,they developed this method01.
    ogy further and applied it to single gate location op—
    timization of an L shape example(Courbebaisse,
    2005).It is easy to use and not time—consuming.while
    it only serves the turning of simple flat parts with
    uniform thickness.
    Pandelidis and Zou f 1 990)presented the opti.
    mization ofgate location.by indirect quality measures
    relevant to warpage and material degradation,which
    is represented as weighted sum of a temperature dif-
    ferential term,an over.pack term.and a frictional
    overheating term.Warpage is influenced by the above
    factors,but the relationship between them is not clear.
    Therefore.the optimization effect is restricted by the
    determination ofthe weighting factors.
    Lee and Kim f 1 996b)developed an automated
    selection method of gate location.in which a set of
    initial gate locations were proposed by a
    designer and
    then the optimal gate was located by the adiacent node
    evaluation method.The conclusion to a great extent
    depends much on the human designer’s intuition。
    because the first step of the method is based on the
    designer’s proposition.So the result is to a 1arge ex—
    tent limited to the designer’s experience.
    Lam and Jin(200 1)developed a gate location
    optimization method based on the minimization ofthe
    Standard Deviation of Flow Path Length(SD『L])and
    Standard Deviation of Filling Time(SD[T])during
    the molding filling process.Subsequently,Shen et
    以仁004a;2004b)optimized the gate location design
    by minimizing the weighted sum of flling pressure,
    filling time difference between different flow paths,
    temperature difference,and over—pack percentage.
    Zhai et a1.(2005b)investigated optimal gate location
    with evaluation criteria of iniection pressure at theend of filling.These researchers presented the objec.
    tive functions as performances of iniection molding
    filling operation,which are correlated with product
    qualities.But the correlation between the perform.
    ances and qualities is very complicated and no clear
    relationship has been observed between them yet.It is
    also difficult to select appropriate weighting factors
    for each term.
    A new objective function is presented here to
    evaluate the warpage of injection molded parts to
    optimize gate location.To measure part quality di—
    rectly,this investigation defines feature warpage to
    evaluate part warpage。which is evaluated from the
    ‘‘flow plus warpage”simulation outputs of Moldflow
    Plastics Insight(MPI)software.The objective func.
    tion is minimized to achieve minimum deformation in
    gate location optimization.Simulated annealing a1.
    gorithm is employed to search for the optimal gate
    location.An example is given to illustrate the effec.
    tivity of the proposed optimization procedure.
    Definition of feature warpage
    To apply optimization theory to the gate design,
    quality measures of the part must be specified in the
    first instance.The term“quality”may be referred to
    many product properties,such as mechanical,thermal,
    electrical,optical,ergonomical or geometrical prop-
    erties.There are two types of part quality measures:
    direct and indirect.A model that predicts the proper.
    ties from numerical simulation results would be
    characterized as a direct quality measure.In contrast,
    an indirect measure of part quality is correlated with
    target quality,but it cannot provide a direct estimate
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