    英文翻译资料A:英文原文2.1. Setting Up Your Development Environment Android applications, like most mobile phone applications, are developed in a host-target development environment. In other words, you develop your application on a host computer (where resources are abundant) and download it to a target mobile phone for testing and ultimate use. Applications can be tested and debugged either on a real Android device or on an emulator. For most developers, using an emulator is easier for initial development and debugging, followed by final testing on real devices.32406
    To write your own Android mobile phone applications, you'll first need to collect the required tools and set up an appropriate development environment on your PC or Mac. In this chapter we'll collect the tools you need, download them and install them on your computer, and write a sample application that will let you get the feel of writing and running Android applications on an emulator. Linux, Windows, and OS X are all supported development environments, and we'll show you how to install the latest set of tools on each. Then, we'll show you any configuration you need to do after installing the tools (setting PATH environment variables and the like), again for each of the three operating systems. Finally, we'll write a short little "Hello, Android" application that demonstrates what needs to be done in order to get a generic application running.
    The Android SDK supports several different integrated development environments (IDEs). For this book we will focus on Eclipse because it is the IDE that is best integrated with the SDK, and, hey, it's free. No matter which operating system you are using, you will need essentially the same set of tools:
    •    The Eclipse IDE
    •    Sun's Java Development Kit (JDK)
    •    The Android Software Developer's Kit (SDK)
    •    The Android Developer Tool (ADT), a special Eclipse plug-in
    Since you're probably going to develop on only one of the host operating systems, skip to the appropriate section that pertains to your selected operating system.
    2.1.1. Creating an Android Development Environment
    The Android Software Development Kit supports Windows (XP and Vista), Linux (tested on Ubuntu Dapper Drake, but any recent Linux distro should work), and Mac OS X (10.4.8 or later, Intel platform only) as host development environments. Installation of the SDK is substantially the same for any of the operating systems, and most of this description applies equally to all of them. Where the procedure differs, we will clearly tell you what to do for each environment:
    1.    Install JDK: The Android SDK requires JDK version 5 or version 6. If you already have one of those installed, skip to the next step. In particular, Mac OS X comes with the JDK version 5 already installed, and many Linux distributions include a JDK. If the JDK is not installed, go to and you'll see a list of Java products to download. You want JDK 6 Update n for your operating system, where n is 6 at the time of this writing.

    Windows (XP and Vista)
    o    Select the distribution for "Windows Offline Installation, Multi-language."
    o    Read, review, and accept Sun's license for the JDK. (The license has become very permissive, but if you have a problem with it, alternative free JDKs exist.)
    o    Once the download is complete, a dialog box will ask you whether you want to run the downloaded executable. When you select "Run," the Windows Installer will start up and lead you through a dialog to install the JDK on your PC.

    o    Select the distribution for "Linux self-extracting file."
    o    Read, review, and accept Sun's license for the JDK. (The license has become very permissive, but if you have a problem with it, alternative free JDKs exist.)
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