    Introducing the Raspberry Pi So you’ve got yourself a Raspberry Pi mini computer. Now what? Perhaps you’re familiar with the Pi and its architecture, but you’re wondering what to do with it. Perhaps you have some experience with computers but aren’t familiar with Linux or Raspbian, the Pi’s default operating system. Perhaps you’re already a Linux geek, but you don’t know how to program in Python and thought it would be a good time to learn. Perhaps you have absolutely no experience with computers beyond clicking the Start button, checking your email, and surfing the web, but you heard about this “Raspberry Pie” thingamabob and decided to see what all the ruckus was about.34153

    Connecting the GPS Receiver to the Pi
    To get your Pi to talk to the GPS receiver, you first need to connect the two. To do this, we’ll use the Python library
    called gpsd, and the Pi’s UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) interface (pins 7 and 8). The Python
    gpsd module is part of a larger library of code designed to allow devices such as the Pi to monitor attached GPS
    and AIS receivers, with ports to C, C++, Java, and Python. It allows you to “read” the National Marine Electronics
    Association (NMEA)–formatted data transmitted by most GPS receivers.
    The UART interface is an old one. It’s basically a serial (RS-232) connection, but for our purposes it’s all we need.
    It consists of a positive (+) and negative (-) connection for power, and transmit and receive pins. Start by typing the
    following line to install the software we’ll need to read the GPS, gpsd and its associated programs:
    sudo apt-get install gpsd gpsd-clients python-gps
    Next we need to configure the Pi’s UART interface. By default, it’s set up to connect to a terminal window, but we
    need to communicate with the Tx and Rx (transmit and receive) pins. To do that, first make a copy of /boot/cmdline.txt
    by typing
    sudo cp /boot/cmdline.txt /boot/cmdlinecopy.txt
    and then edit it by typing sudo nano /boot/cmdline.txt. Delete the following portion
    console=ttyAMA0,115200 kgdboc=ttyAMA0,115200
    so that the file reads
    dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=deadline rootwait
    Save the file, and then edit the inittab file by typing
    sudo nano /etc/inittab
    Comment out the following line (the very last line), which tells the Pi to start a terminal connection, by adding a
    hashtag to the beginning of the line:
    #T0:23:respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyAMA0 115200 vt100
    Now reboot by typing sudo shutdown –r now.
    When you’re back up and running, connect the GPS receiver to the Pi like so:
    1. Connect the receiver’s VIN to the Pi’s 5V (pin #2).
    2. Connect the GND to Pi pin #6.
    3. Connect the Tx to Pi Rx (pin #10).
    4. Connect the Rx to Pi Tx (pin #8).
    When the receiver’s LED starts to blink, you know you have power. Now you can test it by starting the gpsd
    program by typing
    sudo gpsd /dev/ttyAMA0 -F /var/run/gpsd.sock
    Then start the generic GPS client by typing
    cgps -s
    The cgps client is a generic viewer; it simply takes the data the gpsd program is receiving and displays it to
    the user.
    It may take a moment for data to begin to stream, but when it does, you should see a screen like the one in
    Figure 10-2.

    If you see nothing but zeros, it means the GPS can’t find a satellite fix. You may have to wait a few minutes or
    even give the GPS a clear view of the sky. My experience is that this particular GPS board, even without the optional
    antenna, is very sensitive. When I added the antenna, I had no problem getting a GPS signal, even in my house.
    Once you know that the GPS unit is working and communicating with the Pi, we need to put that information into
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