
    The bending st ress in the pavement of asphaltconcrete is recommended as cont rol objectives, asbending st ress in surface course is g reater than surfaceof base course. It is also found that the bending st ressin the surface of pavement increases wi th increasing ofdifferential sett lement of existing subgrade and the one to be w idened .The influences of Δi on bending stresses ofstructural courses in the pavement are illust rated inFig. 2 w ith the assumption of L =9. 0 m.Absolutestress v alues of courses of the pavement are l inear in-creased w ith increas ing of Δi ex c ept st res s in sub-basecourse.Fig. 2 I nfluence of Δi on bending stressof each pavement layerTens ile st ress in surface course and base of as-phalt pavement and compressive stress in sub-base arefound , and the critical Δi is 0. 36 %.4 ConclusionThe allow able maximum di f ferential sett lementis related to many parameters such as the module ofelastici ty , thickness of layers and relat ional coef ficientof the soil foundation .Therefore , some basic mea -sures about renovation in subgrade or in soil founda -tion could be taken to avoid damages of pavement ininterface zone of widened subgrade w hich due to dif-ferential set tlement , such as increasing stability of thebase before const ruction ,
    leng thening the leng th ofdifferential sett lement or cont rolling differential set-tlement .According to the numerical calculation on an al-lowable differential sett lement of the highway ,0. 38 %is recommended as the threshold for an allow-able t ransverse g radient ratio of set tlement of thehighw ay . It is also regarded as a control standard fo rdifferential set tlement in pavement of w idened ex-pressw ay in order to ensure high speed , safety andcomfort of vehicles. In nearly two years , normal op-erat ion of the expres sw ay is also test i f ied the feasibil i-ty of Δi =0. 36 %reg arded as an al lowable transverseg radient ratio of set tlement in pavement , w hich is de -duced from this study .
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