"Transform_force-readings", "Compute_compl- frame_Jacob", "Compute-contact_force" and "Compute set__point_corrections". Execution of tasks on SBC and SCC has to be synchronised at each sampling instant, and start and end conditions have to be checked in the SBC. Provided that execution is started synchronously at each sampling instant, tasks on the SCC and SBC may work in parallel to compute the position nominal set point CiMmm and the correction ~m F, respectively. Once ~iMmm has been computed, an SCC interface routine gets ~m F from the shared memory to compute qm and send it to the DSP for actuation. 5.3 Extension of the PDL 2 programming language for force control The execution of actions like RUB, INSERT and FOLLOW may be coded as PDL2 routines with minor extensions to the basic instruction and predefined variable sets. Action RUB may be programmed, for instance, by the instruction: RUB <trajectory: dest_clause fimce_set ~opt clauses;: <and clauses:, (<, > delimit an optional field) derived directly from the standard PDL2 motion-control command MOVE. Trajectory may be LINEAR (default) or CIRCULAR, destclause specifies the final point of the path of the compliant frame (either the value or the pointer to a file containing it), forceset contains force set points, optclauses further specifies the kind of motion and possible termination conditions, and_clauses concern the synchronization of two or more arms. The final destination, Cartesian position and orientation, may be specified in many ways, e.g. absolute or relative to the current position, to the approach axis, and so on. Intermediate via (i.e. non- stop) points may also be specified. The compliant frame may be specified by the predefined variable STOOL with respect to the built- in fixed flange frame.
The new predefined variables, $Ffr_SENSOR_FRAME, to specify position and orientation of the sensor frame with respect to the flange frame, and $FORCE_DATA, containing force measurements, should also be introduced, the latter for monitoring (e.g. checking for possible overshoots) and general usage. 6. CONCLUSIONS The design of an industrial robot controller has been tackled following the guidelines of an established design methodology. A controller suitable for a commercial implementation in the near future has been obtained. The design solutions have been driven by a typical industrial approach, when mass products are considered, that enhances the cost and standardization requirements instead of following the leading edge of technology. From a commercial point of view, it is interesting that the new controller functions may be supplied optionally as an add-on to the base product. The principles and tools of the structured design adopted here have proved very beneficial. The structures and templates and the catalog of
拉要:处理一个基于传感器工业机器人控制器设计的控制功能。设计遵照方法论的指导方针,旨在构建设计过程,保证控制器的需求和功能之间的可追溯性和高度的灵活性。设计包括三个步骤,即活动分析、功能设计和实现设计。尤其是方法论支持第一二步设计原则和指导方针。设计的控制器功能、执行加工操作、弧和激光焊接,论文网 部分从一个工业和商业的观点插入其他人和其他有趣的操作。实现可选附加的新功能的基础产品。
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