
    A new symbolic representation method to support conceptual design of mechatronic system Abstract  Regarding the typical mechatronic system that realizes controlled motion behavior as the research object, the mechatronic system is composed of three subsystems, they are generalized executive mechanism subsystem, sensing and testing subsystem, and information processing and control subsystem.43509

        Based on the three subsystems, a new kind of symbolic representation method to represent a design scheme of mechatronic system is presented. This symbolic representation method includes graphical symbols, literal symbols and port information flows on the abstract layer of basic mechatronic function units in common use. Two applied instances are given. The method standardizes scheme representation of mechatronic system. The purpose is that the computer can identify and operate the standardized scheme representation. Furthermore, the method can be implemented in connection with related knowledge base to produce creative scheme. The symbolic representation method provides theoretical basis for computer aided conceptual design of mechatronic system.

    Keywords  Conceptual design · Mechatronics · Scheme ·Symbolic representation

    1 Introduction

    The results of the conceptual design of a mechatronic system need to be represented in the form of scheme diagram. According to morphological matrix, the number of feasible schemes is

    enormous. A multidisciplinary mechatronic system lacks standardized and commonly used representing methods..Designers represent design schemes by means of single discipline diagram

    and diagrammatic sketch that conform to design habits. These representation schemes lack a systematic and scientific nature. Computers are unable to extract knowledge from these diagrams

    and operate information represented by these diagrams. It is difficult to produce creative schemes from these diagrams. The scheme representation of a mechatronic system becomes a difficult point in the creative design of mechatronic products, which hinder further development of conceptual designs of mechatronic system.

    Wang studied the scheme representation of a mechanism system and a computerized rules-based regeneration method. Gausemier presented a graphical method to express the functional principle solution of a mechatronic system called the semi-formal specification language. This method is only used for vehicle guidance system and lacks universal validity. Porter preliminarily studied functional design language and principle scheme representation to support mechatronic system conceptual design, but this method was not systematic or versatile.

    This paper establishes the scheme representation according to the following rules. It closes to routine standards and expressing habits. It is convenient for computers to identify and operate. Computers can produce creative schemes by the abstraction and operations of creative process. Besides, computer-aided conceptual design can link up subsequent three-dimensional virtual schemes, simulation, selective preference, structural design and detailed design.

    Regarding the typical mechatronic system that realizes controlled motion behavior as the research object, from the viewpoint of the three subsystem constituting principle , a new kind of symbolic representation method to represent a design scheme for a mechatronic system is presented. This symbolic representation method includes graphical symbols, literal symbols and port information flows on the abstract layer of basic mechatronic function units in common use. Two applied instances are given. This symbolic representation method provides  theoretical basis for standardizing scheme representation to support conceptual design of mechatronic system.

    2 Three subsystem functional model of mechatronic system

    Conceptual design tools, such as a function means tree, can gradually decompose an overall function to sub functions to function units that are easier to solve. How to standardize functional design language and unify function symbolic representation in the layer of function units play an important role in design reuse and creative scheme design.

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