
    These 3.3. Nanoproducts under shockIt involves the production of ultrafine materials (metals,ceramics, mixtures) by explosive compaction techniques.The nanopowders, synthesized by explosion, and mixtures applications include wires for electrical power transmission,electrical switches for measuring technology and HTS con-ductors for electrical machines, e.g. rotating synchronousgenerators, levitated bearings and fault current limiters. Theycan lead to the level-off of the electricity and they significantly A.G. Mamalis / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 161 (2005) 1–9Fig. 7. Process flow diagram for the fabrication of high-Tc superconducting machines [2]. 7 Optimization of the processing parameters is, therefore,necessary to allow for the fabrication of these sound compo-nents, which process their superconducting properties and,therefore, modeling and simulation of the processes and thecompaction mechanisms are on hand [9], see Fig. 10.4.2. Fabrication of steel-sheathed MgB2superconducting wires and tapes   To overcome the problems mentioned above, dynamicpowder-compaction techniques, e.g. explosive and electro-magnetic compaction, are used for fabricating steel sheathedMgB2 wires and tapes. The main reason of applying thesetechniques is that the dynamic treatment of powders does notmerely consist of a simple compression as in conventionalcompaction processes, but it involves a shock wave passingthrough the powder body resulting in useful changes in thestate of the starting material. The methodology pertaining tomanufacturing of such superconductors is shown in Fig. 11.4.3.
    Fabrication of superconducting coated conductorsA technique for fabricating superconducting wires andtapes is to deposit HTS films on metallic substrates. Super-conducting ceramics has been deposited on polycrystallinemetal substrates where the superconducting materials are c-axis oriented but not aligned in plane. For achieving highcritical currents and transport currents, the superconductin



    1. 简介: 



    具有相关的超导现象,即一般材料在温度接近绝对零度的时候,物体分子热运动几乎消失,材料的电阻趋近于0,此时称为超导体。见图2,介绍了从参考文献[ 2 ]。在1986年高温超导和高温超导合成材料的超导电性的发现,随即产生了非常广泛的研究,高温超导合成材料具有液氮以上的沸点,利用工程应用,从电子传感器的旋转电机发电机和纳米级薄算法公里—长导线和线圈。因此,设计和精密制造超导元件,从最初的合成粉末,发展到目前对最大的工业有举足轻重的作用影响。

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