
       Focusing on the safety functionality, Melander studied the experiences of elderly people in testing a mobile safety alarm and their reasoning about safety, privacy and mobility.。 She found that safety and mobility were considered more important than privacy.。 Informants focused on feeling safe and secure, and they feared falling and not being noticed and not being able to take care of themselves.。 Safety  and  security were  connected  to  the  usability  of  the  technology.。 The concept of mobility or freedom of movement seemed to involve both self-determination and empowerment (Melander et al.。, 2007).。 

       In the  same  line,  Conci  summarizes  in  her  experimental  thesis  that,  in  accordance  with  results  reported   in  the  literature, feeling  safe  is  a  crucial  issue  for  older  people.。  Although  safety  concerns  do  not  directly  affect  their       intention  to  use  a  mobile phone,  they  increase  its  utilitarian  value.。 Conci  (2007)  demonstrates the  importance of utilitarian considerations and extrinsic motivations (usefulness).。 Intrinsic motivations, such as enjoyment and self-actualization, influence the intention to use only through the  mediation  of  usefulness—that  is,  by  affecting  the  utilitarian value of the mobile phone.。 It has been argued that perceived ease of use is important because, despite its frequent usage, the mobile phone remains an alien technology.。 This is also reflected in the need for support while using it.。 In conclusion, older people perceive the mobile phone as a useful device for communication and safety.。 For all  these  reasons, the  reported  use  is  high.。  However, the  ease  of use is still an issue, and the subjects are aware of needing special support (Conci, 2007).。 

       The results of the study of Kurniawan (2007) clearly reveal that for older persons, mobile phones are perceived as memory aids to mediate aging-related memory decline and as tools that provide a sense of safety and security.。 Armstrong et al.。 (2010) focus on older persons with Alzheimer’s disease, and they conclude that the key unmet needs still remain (1) to help patients remember, (2) to maintain social contact, (3)to help perform daily life activities, and (4) to enhance their feelings of safety.。 These needs can also be found in other older people.。 Table 1 presents  a  comparison  between  these  needs  and the components of quality of life defined by older people.。 In their research, Armstrong et al.。 (2010) propose to develop and test the following mobile phone applications: a  1-h reminder system, a geofencing application, reminder messages, and medication reminders.。 Considering a more general target group, Mikkonen et al.。 (2002) tried to identify the service needs of elderly people using different mobile communication service concepts:

    (a)  Mobile Wrist Care (mobile phone functions as the base station of a security bracelet that automatically sends an alarm).。

    (b) Traveling by bus (a mobile informs the user when the right bus arrives at the bus stop).。

    (c) Service center (when a user contacts the service center, a positioning service is activated that shows the service center where the person is located).。 

    (d) Reminder (broader service, for example, information  about medication and reminders to take medication).。

       Based on the results, the needs could be prioritized as follows.。 Mobile WristCare  was  the  most popular and the  most  necessary of all of the services presented, and Traveling by bus was the least important service concept.。 Reminder and Service care were evaluated  evenly.。 The  authors  concluded that  the  Mobile Wrist Care must also  have  equipment  capable  of  relaying  position  information.。 Based on the study, it appears that elderly people are willing to pay for the use of the service concepts presented (Mikkonen et al.。, 2002).。

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