
    nanobelts,nanoplatelets, nanorings, nanotrees, nanoforests, andeven more complex nanostructures of ZnO can bepurposely designed and controllably synthesized withease.(3) Applications of ZnO 1D nanomaterials arerather widespread and far beyond what can be elab-orated in one article. We have only briefly intro-duced the work carried out in our group, includingphotocatalytic performances and field emission appli-cations. We have investigated photocatalytic capa-bility of ZnO nanorods and nanoplatelets for degrad-ing organic dyes and found out that the nanoplateletsshowed better performance than nanorods did, andthe thinner the nanoplatelets, the higher the photo-catalytic efficiency. We explored the field emissionapplications of ZnO 1D nanomaterials, and obtainedenhanced field emission performances by either de-creasing the tip radius or decorating the side surfacewith metal particles.Synthesis of ZnO nanomaterials with wide disper-sion of size and shape no longer belongs to the re-search frontier. It also needs to go farther beyond themeasurement of a physical property of the nanoma-terials. Work that engaged to investigate controlledsynthesis of nanostructures and property-structurecorrelation can still attract research attention, how-ever, it is still not enough at long runs. Two aspectsare of current interest: firstly, quantitative knowledgeis needed to achieve nanostructures with precise con-trol of size and shape by predescribed experimentalparameters; secondly, scale-up fabrication and appli-cation of nanodevices on the basis of the buildingblocks (ZnO 1D nanomaterials) should be speeded up.AcknowledgementsThis work was supported by the National Natural Sci-ence Foundation of China under grant No. 10574131, An-hui Provincial Key Laboratory Special Fund, and the
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