This confirms that minute chipsfrom the work gear adhere to the glass fiber surface in these blackregions.5.3. Processing fluidThe color of the processing fluid gradually changes to a darkcolor during the experiment and is found to contain impuritiesafter processing. This fluid is filtered for observation, and theobjects observed on the filter are shown in Fig. 19.In Fig. 19(a),the rectangular-shaped transparent objects are crushed glass fibers, and the black objects are the chips from the work gear.The objects shown in Fig. 19(b) are chips that were separatedfrom the processing fluid by a magnet. These results indicatethat the GFRP gear-shaped tool not only grinds the tooth sur-face of the work gear, but it also crushes itself on a microscalelevel.6. ConclusionA GFRP gear-shaped tool and a removal method of burrs andpits are proposed for a small gear. A GFRP gear-shaped tool wasfabricated and experiments to evaluate the removal effect of thetool for burrs and pits were conducted. The following results wereobtained:(1) A method for fabricating a gear-shaped tool composed of GFRPwas proposed. It was confirmed that a GFRP gear-shaped toolcan be manufactured without chipping of the tooth edges.(2) Secondary burrs protruding toward the tooth groove and pitson the work gear can be removed when the work gear and theGFRP gear-shaped tool are meshed and turned together. Thiswas verified by experiments using simple equipment based ona lathe. A comparison experiment was conducted between theGFRP gear-shaped tool and a nylon/abrasive filament brush,and the results confirmed that the GFRP gear-shaped tool ismore effective in removing secondary burrs and pits than is anylon/abrasive filament brush. The tooth tip and edge of theGFRP gear-shaped tool were found to be free of chipping afterthe removal experiment.(3) By applying the proposed method to 77 work gears, thetooth-to-tooth radial composite deviations of work gears wasreduced from 14.0 mto4.6 m on average and below 6 min all of the work gears. These results mean that GFRPgear-shaped tool has a stable effect in removing burrs andpits.(4) The GFRP gear-shaped tool and the proposed removal methodwere utilized in a mass production process. The GFRP gear-shaped tool had the ability to remove burrs and pits of at least16,797 work gears. This result in the mass production processshows that the GFRP gear-shaped tool has sufficient durabilityfor industrial use.(5) The proposed removal method can reduce not only the burrsand pits, but also the tool marks formed on the tooth flank byhobbing.ReferencesAsahi Fiber Glass Company Ltd., 2007. Basic Knowledge of Glass Fiber.Gillespie, L.K., Blotter, P.T., 1976. The formation and properties of machining burrs.Trans ASME J. Eng. Ind. 98, 66–74.Gillespie, L.K., 1999.Deburring and Edge FinishingHandbook. Precision Engineering.SME, pp. 320–334.Kishimoto, W., Miyake, T., Yamamoto, A., Yamanaka, K., Tanaka, K., 1981. Study ofburr formation in facemilling: conditions for the secondary burr formation. Bull.JSPE 15 (1), 51–52.Kawasaki, Y., et al., 1984. Development of a new automatic gear selecting machinefor automobile transaxle manufacturing. CIRP Ann. Manuf. Technol. 33 (1),363–368.Stango, R.J., 2001. Filamentary brushing tools for surface finishing applications.Met.Finish. 99 (Suppl. 1), 86–95.Takazawa, K., Kitajima, K., 2008. In: BEST-JAPAN (Ed.), Burr Technology Business.Japan Society of Burr, Edge and Surface
    Conditioning Technique, Sakura kikakusyuppan.



         一个紧凑型齿轮减速电机由一个电动机和减速箱组成。论文网它是一个减速齿轮机构和小齿轮组成的微型组件(以下简称称为小齿轮)。这样的齿轮必须具有很高的精度才能实现一个无声的齿轮马达。目前,高精度滚刀可以应用于小齿轮。然而,小齿轮滚铣有问题如图1,即毛边(图 1(a)和(b))和坑(图1(c))的边缘齿。据报道,毛刺的产生是由于挤压或塑造过程中齿轮和齿轮的质量的毛刺恶化。这些毛刺和坑可能只是0.01毫米大小但相对小齿轮而言也已经很大。因此,这些缺陷严重影响齿轮的强度、振动和噪音。在滚齿机,翻转毛刺形成边的一颗齿,见图1(一)。制造齿轮、防止毛刺生成通常是在挤压过程中将一个去毛刺工具和一个盘状的磨刀石安装在滚齿机或倒角机上,见图2(a)。然而,这种去毛刺过程会产生剩余的毛边或新毛边,见图 1(b)和2(c)。在这项研究中形成的毛刺被定义为两种类型的毛边:初级和二级磨毛刺。一般毛刺是正常翻转形成了毛刺,二级磨毛刺只能在二次磨时产生,在剩下的一个分离的边缘上。在去除齿轮的毛刺过程中,牙槽侧的二次毛刺在许多情况下很难消除。这样的二次毛刺使用尼龙/磨料丝刷(图2(d)) 来去掉。然而,对于小齿轮,即使在使用尼龙/磨料丝刷,毛刺经常出现在牙齿的根附近,见图2(e)。这是由于齿槽是狭窄的,防止刷到牙齿的根。除了二次毛刺,坑是一个问题。一个坑是由一个凹痕和由于塑性变形时产生的投影组成的。Kishimoto et al。(1984)设计了一种方法,通过采用三个粉碎齿轮坑的工具。该方法已实际应用于汽车齿轮。不过,目前尚不清楚该方法是否有效的提高了小齿轮的精度。

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