
    Deteriorationof the interface increases with the increase in the cementdosage. According to test results, although the variation ofcement dosage affects the strength and durability of concreteat ambient temperature, it does not affect the relative residualstrength of concrete exposed to high temperature. The rela-tive residual compressive and flexural strength–temperaturerelationships of concrete were found not to depend on thecement dosages used in this investigation.(2) The compressive and flexural strength–temperature relation-ships can be characterized by two stages:(3) Stage 1: Minor strength loss stage between room temperatureand 200 1C.(4) Stage 2: Major strength loss stage, which begins at a tem-perature of about 400 1C.(5) Comparisons between the experimental residual compressivestrength and the predicted residual compressive strengths asobtained by the BS EN 1992-1-2:2004 and ACI 216-1 weremade. It was found that the relative residual compressivestrength of experimental results agree better with the pre-dicted results in given ACI 216-1 for temperature under400 1C and they agree better with the predicted results ingiven BS EN 1992-1-2:2004 for exceeding 600 1C.(6) Mathematical equations were proposed to predict the resi-dual compressive and flexural strengths of concrete with hightemperatures. These equations can be used to assess the post-fire strength of concrete structures made with concrete mixestypically used in Turkey.(7) The VUT test is found to be an effective tool to assess thedegree of damage in concrete structures exposed to fire.References[1] M.S. Akman, Building Damages and Repair Principles, Turkish Chamber ofCivil Engineers,_ Istanbul, Turkey, 2000 (in Turkish).[2] C.A. Menzel, Tests of the fire resistance and thermal properties of solidconcrete slabs and their significance, Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mater. 43 (1943)109–1153.[3] C.R Binner, C.B. Wilkie, P. Miller, Heat Testing of High Density Concrete,supplement, Declassified Report HKF-1, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, June1949.[4] H.L. Malhotra, The effect of temperature on the compressive strength ofconcrete, Mag. Concr. Res. (London) 8 (22) (1956) 85–149.[5] J. Xiao, G. K¨ onig, Study on concrete at high temperature in China—anoverview, Fire Saf. J. 39 (2004) 89–103.[6] ACI 216.1. Standard Method for Determining Fire Resistance of Concrete andMasonry Construction Assemblies (AC- 216.1-07/TMS 0216.1-07), AmericanConcrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 2007.[7] N. Y¨ uzer, F. Ak¨ oz, L. Dokuzer O ¨ zt ¨ urk, Compressive strength–color changerelation in mortars at high temperature, Cem. Concr. Res. 34 (2004)1803–1807.[8] World Trade Center: Building Performance Study: Data Collection, PreliminaryObservations, and Recommendations, FEMA, Report # 403, May 2002.[9] A. Behnood, H. Ziari, Effects of silica fume addition and water to cement ratioon the properties of high-strength concrete after exposure to high tempera-tures, Cem. Concr. Compos. 30 (2008) 106–112.[10] C.S Poon, S. Azhar, M Anson, Y. Wong, Comparison of the strength anddurability performance of normal and high-strength pozzolanic concretes atelevated temperatures, Cem. Concr. Res. 31 (2001) 1291–1300.[11] M.A.H Khandaker, High strength blended cement concrete incorporatingvolcanic ash: performance at high temperatures, Cem. Concr. Compos. 20(2006) 535–545.[12] O ¨ Arı ¨ oz, Effects of elevated temperatures on properties of concrete, Fire Saf. J.42 (2007) 516–522.[13] M.A. Youssef, M. Moftah, General stres–strain relationship for concrete atelevated temperatures, Eng. Struct. 29 (2007) 2618–2634.[14] M. Husem, The effects of high temperature on compressive and flexuralstrengths of ordinary and high-performance concrete, Fire Saf. J. 41 (2006)155–163.[15] I.A. Fletcher, S. Welch, J.L. Torero, R.O. Carvel, A. Usmani, Behaviour ofconcrete structure in fire,
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