
    Once the prototypes were manufactured, effective rough-
    ness was measured with a Taylor–Hobson form Taylsurf
    series 2 profile rugosimeter. In order to evaluate surface
    roughness, seven positions depending on the angel has been
    selected on the cylindrical surface of the manufactured
    parts as Fig. 4 shows. Afterwards, the Ra parameter was
    determined as the average value of the seven roughness
    measurements carried out along the Y-axis, in the positions
    shown in Fig. 4. An evaluation length of 4.8mm (6mm ×
    0.8mm) was used, and a nominally 2m stylus tip was
    used in conjunction with a 0.8 Gaussian cut-off filter and a
    bandwidth ratio of 300:1 to evaluate the Ra parameter.Fig. 4. Positions in which the measurements were performed (semi-circle
    of radius = 20mm).
    A stylus speed of 0.5mm/s was used in conjunction with
    a 0.8mN static stylus force and the stylus cone angle used
    was 90◦.
    Fig. 5 shows the rugosimeter used in the experiments. The
    uncertainty of the rugosimeter is given, from the certificate
    of calibration of the manufacturer, by ± (0.004m + 2%)
    Ra. Therefore, it is clear that it has no sense to use, for finalexpression of the roughness values, as many digits as Table 2
    Nevertheless, for intermediate calculations, it is very use-
    ful to have as many digits as possible because of round er-
    rors and hence, we have used five digits for intermediate
    calculations and for developing the roughness models. For
    final expression of the roughness values, only one signifi-
    cant digit will be used.
    The roughness parameter which was selected as a tech-
    nological response variable, defined in accordance with the
    UNE-EN-ISO 4287:1999 norm, was that of the arithmetic
    average roughness of the evaluated roughness profile (Ra),
    as is shown in Eq. (1). This definition is set out in Eq. (1),
    where Z(y) is the profile values of the roughness profile and
    lr is the evaluation length.
    This roughness parameter is the one which has had the
    widest diffusion and which is generally most widely used,
    as practically all types of measuring equipment have this
    implemented in its configuration. For these reasons, it will
    be this one which is studied in this current work.
    3. Design of the experiment
    The design of experiments technique is a powerful work
    tool, which permits us to carry out the modelling and anal-
    ysis of the influence of determined process variables over
    Table 1
    Factors and levels selected
    Level Ad (mm) Rd (mm) fz (mm/z) Vc (m/min)
    Minimum 0.1 0.1 0.02 150
    Maximum 0.3 0.3 0.06 250other specified variables, which are usually called response
    variables. This response variable is an unknown function of
    the former design variables, which are also known as design
    Although there are various types of DOE that can be con-
    sidered, we are going to use factorial design in this work as
    it permits us to experiment with all combinations of vari-
    ables and levels.
    As mentioned earlier, and in accordance with the bibli-
    ography consulted, as well as drawing from personal expe-
    rience, the design factors selected for this study were: ax-
    ial depth of cut (Ad), Y-axis radial depth of cut (Rd), feed
    per tooth (mm/z) (fz), and cutting speed (Vc). Before us-
    ing the DOE cutting conditions (finishing stages) the part
    have been rough machined and heat treated. After wards,
    a semi-finished machining is performed leaving an uniform
    stock thickness which is removed using the experiment cut-
    ting conditions.
    So, the design which was finally chosen was a first fac-
    torial design 24 with four central points, which allow us to
    check if there is curvature in the first-order model, conse-
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