Sales teams often blame legal and finance colleagues for being bottlenecks in the sales cycle。 Legal and finance folks blame sales staff for introducing unnecessary risk into transactions。 So how do you find reconciliation among the stakeholders without the entire sales cycle grinding to a halt? Try automating internal regulatory controls through a system that is designed to analyze triggering data and chaperone the contract through the matrix of approvals。 Contract lifecycle management systems can combine the most complex approval matrices with email notifications to the right person at the right time, along with one-click approvals to simultaneously implement critical controls while streamlining the entire process。 Beware, though; when the sales team learns they can bypass certain approvals by adhering to pre-approved templates, terms, and conditions, you may find yourself only reviewing the highly negotiated, bet-the-company contracts。 And you won’t have the melody of regular ringtones to break the silence。 

If a contract auto-renews in the woods, does it make a sound? 

The saying “what you don’t know, won’t hurt you” certainly doesn’t apply to contracts。 In fact, it’s what you don’t know that poses the biggest risks to your business。 It would be nice if your contracts could speak so they could warn you when milestones, terminations, or renewals were coming up。 A contract management system can be implemented with alerts and notifications based on data, rules, and dates—the next best thing to contracts that can talk to you。 Of course, they still cannot call the customer and engage in the awkward conversations about terminations or renegotiations, but they can keep you from missing deadlines, losing opportunities, or suffering payment errors。 However, this could inevitably lead to an awkward discussion with the head of litigation about the reduced workload they will face in managing the company’s contracts。 Summary 

The bottom line is that contract lifecycle management systems are designed to increase efficiency while simultaneously reducing overall risks to the company。 You may even become more efficient at the same time。 And if the know-how of legal and finance professionals is embedded in an automated process to streamline the lifecycle, you can focus your energy and efforts on the most complex, high-risk, or bet-the-company deals on your desk。 You are literally doing more with less。 As fixed-fee pricing and legal business outsourcing continue to depress rates and margins, now may be the time to investigate how contract lifecycle management technology can help make your practice more productive and profitable。 There are a handful of software vendors who focus on contract lifecycle management, including Apttus, Business Integrity, CLM Matrix, and Selectica。 In addition, there are some contract management offerings from vendors traditionally known for matter management like Bridgeway and Mitratech。 Of course, a Google search could uncover many more names, so it is important to consult with a subject matter expert before embarking on this important initiative。   




















