1。2Putting Tomcat and MySQL Together

Combining Tomcat and MySQL provides a powerful, reliable, and free platform that you can use to learn, develop, and deploy JSP applications。 And, best of all, the code that you develop using this platform will run nicely using iPlanet and Oracle or WebSphere and SQL Server。  As a learning tool the two together are almost "reference implementations" of their respective protocols (JSP and SQL)。 As a result, you won't pick up any nasty vendor-proprietary bad habits while you're getting up to speed。   In addition, you can enjoy the knowledge that you are supporting the open-source software movement。 Open-source software is code that is made freely available under one of several public licenses, frequently the GNU General Public License (GPL)。

FACTS AND FICTION ABOUT THE GPL  The GNU General Public License is probably one of the most misunderstood documents in existence,The basics break down to this: 

1。 If you place a piece of software under the GPL, anyone is free to make a copy  of it in either source or executable form and give it to anyone else。 

2。 If you take a piece of software under the GPL and use it as a part of your  product, you can't charge for that product beyond duplication costs。 

Many people interpret this to mean that they can't use GPL software for commercial  purposes。 Nothing is farther from the truth。 What you can't do is charge specifically for parts of your product that are partly or largely derived from GPL products。  You are free to use GPL code in the development of a Web site because you're not selling the site itself to a third party as a product。 (Consulting companies fall into a weird quasi-space, but no one has gone after them for using GPL software to date。)

Why is it good to support this movement? There are two sides to this answer: one technical and one political。 Technically, it's a good thing because open-source software tends to encourage the development of open standards such as JSP and JDBC, allowing you to choose your tools from among a larger group rather than being locked into one vendor's proprietary solution。 It's a positive thing politically because it keeps the large companies honest。 WebLogic and iPlanet have to stay competitive and responsive because they know that there's a free solution out  there if they aren't。 And when you use open-source software, you are sending a message that your overriding concerns are features and reliability, not having a large company to sue if something goes wrong。



一个原因就是为了让拉里埃里森想到比尔盖茨的时候,他的Oracle有能力保持自己百忧解。更严重的回答是相同的原因也就是驾驶人先按下针对一块湿粘泥:因为把事情记下来是好的。 Web服务器是了不起的创造,但他们是一个有点像白痴专家。请他们为一个网页或运行Java的一段,他们表演的像一个冠军。但开始要求他们记住他们五分钟前做了什么,和他们显露的比一个肥皂剧里的人物失忆还快。  第一个也是最重要的原因是你使用的数据库是有大量的数据在电子商务交易里,你必须记住并跟踪文献综述: 

•一个用户的姓名,地址,信用卡和其他信息以前进入了一个注册页面 •帽子的用户可能把以前留下交易放进购物车 


•订单需要履行,订单已发货,并已待补物品。  现在,你可以存储所有这些信息在服务器上的硬盘平面文件中,但也有你想保存的数据的其他重要属性: 


















