1。5 2

-0。1 ∆P



Fig。 2。 Volume flow rate and pressure difference measurements obtained at the chamber door in comparison to the theoretical infiltration curve calculated based on Yuill’s model [1]。

Table 3

Door operation schedule and seasons details。

Door usage Strip Mall Building Outpatient Healthcare Building Time of the day 8:00 a。m。 to 8 p。m。

Schedule days All Week–All Year

Summer March–August

Winter September–February

Table 4

Assumptions and modeling process for the 4 infiltration methods presented。 Modeling Method Assumptions Modeling

using Eq。 (2)。 Only one rate is calculated for each building at each door usage。 The rates are used as input in EnergyPlus as design flow rate zone infiltration replacing the existing door infiltra- tion in the model。 A schedule is then used to control the door operation。

2。 Seasonal Design Method – A process similar to that used in the Design Method is followed while calculating two infiltration rates for each building at each door usage; one rate correspond- ing to the winter and the other to the summer season design conditions。 A program within the energy model then selects dif- ferent infiltration rates based on the  season。

3。 Seasonal CONTAM Method – Steady state airflow simulations  for

Design Method Rp used assuming

constant temperature of 16 ◦ C all year in all


Seasonal Design Method     Rp  used  while

considering the summer and winter design conditions for each location。

Door air filtration rates  for

each building are calculated and input in EnergyPlus for all the year (wall leakage inputs are not changed)。

Summer and winter door air filtration rates are calculated for each building in each location and input with a seasonal schedule in EnergyPlus (wall leakage

inputs are not changed)。

the two seasons’ design conditions are conducted for the build- ings in each climate zone location。 The infiltration rates obtained from simulation are then input to EnergyPlus and are used sim- ilar to the Seasonal Design Method。 For this method, the design conditions presented in Table 2 are inputs in CONTAM (for each location and each season)。

4。 Yearly CONTAM Method – A whole year airflow simulation with hourly outputs is completed with doors in the airflow model fol- lowing the same door operation schedule used in the energy simulation (Table 3)。 The results are exported from CONTAM

Seasonal CONTAM Method

Pressure difference is simulated (using CONTAM) not assumed。 Summer and winter design conditions are used。

Summer and winter door air filtration rates obtained for each building in each location and input with a seasonal schedule in EnergyPlus (wall leakage inputs are not changed)。

using  the  “CONTAM  Results  Export  Tool”  developed  by NIST

[32,33]。 Since the infiltration exported from CONTAM contains all the building infiltration (not only that of doors), all the infil- tration in energy models are replaced by the exported CONTAM infiltration data。

Yearly CONTAM Method     Pressure difference is

















