The plan is to create a short Marina to freely serve different

*Researcher, Central Laboratory for Environmental Quality Monitoring, National Water Research Center, Cairo, Egypt (Corresponding Author, E-mail: rm。elgohary@yahoo。com)

**Associate Professor, Irrigation and Hydraulics Dept。 Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt (E-mail:  nagyhassan@yahoo。com)

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Fig。 1。 Google Earth Image Described the Proposed Site of the Jetty

Table 1。 The Coordinates of the Jetties  Location

Place JETTY Longitude Latitude

Jetty of hotel 1 34 34 84。5 51 84 25

Jetty of hotel 2 34 34 47。9 50 97。5 25

Jetty of hotel 3 34 33 57。9 50 10 25

Jetty of hotel 4 34 26 56 50 11。6 25

Jetty of Marina 1 34 25 57 50 17。1 25

Jetty of Marina 2 34 25 53。5 50 26 25

Table 2。 The Expected Sizes from the Boats and  Yachts

Length (m) Width (m) Draft (m) Number

12。00 3。2 1。7 128

18。00 4。5 2。3 10

25。00 5。5 3。0 8

62。00 14。00 3。2 4

sizes of touristic boats and yachts, and to construct four Jetties in front of 4 hotels to serve as a part of the recreational facilities of these hotels。 The coordinates of the Jetties location described in Table 1。

The Marina has been designed to withstand loads of marine transferred to them from the boats and yachts as described in Table 2。

The objective of constructing the proposed Jetty is to provide a safe way to get into deeper water apart from the coral reef。 This would avoid any adverse impact on the marine environ- ment。

Jetty is located at the South of El Sharm El Quible Bay as shown in Fig。 1。 It extends for a distance of 300 meters from the shore line onward to the sea with a water depth of 3 meters。 The Jetty will be constructed using galvanized steel piles。 Fig。 1 shows the jetty site in front of Hotel “Copacabana。”

It will be provided with the necessary lights for night use。 The Jetty will not have any wastewater disposal system。 Fig。 2 shows the Jetty timber wearing surface details。

Fig。 2。 Jetty Timber Wearing Surface  Details

2。2Baseline Environment

2。2。1Biological Environment of Marine

The shore of the study area contains several marine environ- ments。 These include coral reefs, mangrove forests and sandy environment。 In addition to the rocky environment, the study area has been pided into the southern Gulf sector (S1) and the Gulf sector (S2) (Kassas and Batanouny, 1984) (Fig。 3)。
















