sputtering。(25) Also the nc-(Al1by the vacuum arc evaporation show an isotropic nanostructure in accordwith the earlier results。
The advantage of vacuum arc evaporation is the high deposition rate that can be achieved。 Its disadvantage is, however, the emission of drop- lets, liquid particles emitted from the hot cathodic spot due to the large magnetohydrodynamic forces。 In the case of vacuum arc, they can be eliminated only by means of magnetic filtering which is, however, not com- patible with large industrial coating processing。 The LARC® technology significantly reduces the emission of the macroparticles that leads to a much smoother surface。 This is illustrated by Fig。 9 that shows a compar- ison of the optical micrographs of the surfaces of TiN coatings deposited by conventional vacuum arc (Fig。 9a and b) and by the LARC® technol- ogy。 The main reason for the reduction of the macroparticles in the latter case is the much faster speed of the movement of the cathodic spot on the
surface of the cathodes。 This results in a decrease of the average surface roughness Ra ≈ 0。2–0。45 µm in the case of conventional arc to Ra ≈ 0。07– 0。01µm for coatings deposited by the LARC® technology。 Similar results
in terms of surface morphology and roughness were obtained also for the (Al1−x Tix )N hard coatings and for the novel nc-(Al1−x Tix )N/a-Si3N4 su- perhard nanocomposites。
摘要:新型超硬纳米复合材料,纳米层状涂层的开发基于从旋转电极真空电弧蒸发的涂层技术总结。nc-(Al1-xTix)N / a-Si3N4涂层中纳米晶体的具有TiN的fcc晶体结构的富Al固溶体嵌入到非晶硅氮化硅的薄矩阵中显 示高热稳定性,抗氧化性能优异,干燥快速加工这是优于最先进的(Ti1-xAlx)N涂层。论文网
关键词:超硬纳米复合材料;工业应用;(AlTi)N / Si3N4; Al-Ti-Si-N;真空电弧。
对加工技术改进的要求更高的切割速度,更好的加工表面质量,更低的消耗的润滑剂和冷却剂需要开发新的磨损用于加工工具的耐磨涂层。 因为环保的成本冷却液的友好回收和处置代表了重要的意义部分总加工成本,最终目标是干燥,高速加工。 在这种条件下,切削刀具的温度和的涂层可达到800◦C以上。 这提出了很强的要求关于涂料的质量,例如高硬度结合高抗裂纹形成和粘附到基底上,高温稳定性和抗氧化性,摩擦系数低,没有与被加工材料的反应等。对于
工业规模;也致力于发展的大量工作自润滑硬涂层,轴承低摩擦涂层和其他。来-自~优+尔=论.文,网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766-
在本文中,我们将重点介绍最近开发的根据通用形成的超硬纳米复合材料设计原则由于热力学驱动而自组织旋节相分离。 将显示超硬纳米复合材料硬度≥40GPa的nc-(Al1-xTix)N / a-Si3N4具有a高热稳定性,满足新一代的要求先进的耐磨和摩擦涂层。 为了实现在沉积期间形成稳定的纳米结构新涂层开发了基于旋转真空电弧阴极的技术。
传统的真空电弧涂覆技术产生Al-Ti-Si-N涂层,其中“金属”硅溶解在(TiAl)N中形成亚稳态(Al,Ti,Si)N溶液的晶体这些34 GPa的涂层略低于实现的涂层nc-(Al1-xTix)N / a-Si3N4纳米复合材料≥40Gpa。5。然而,当应用于球形碳化物端铣刀时,也这些涂层比常规涂层显示出更好的切割性能(Al1-xTix)N。