Most attribute person who fetch can set up through the attribute window when design already, Too can set up revising when operating in procedure through programming in procedure code。 Have the targets respond programming by procedure code 

3。 Respond procedure code of programming target 

Interface determine appearance of procedure only, design window add codes through" code editing machine" soon after the interface, Realize some make the tasks, such as responding, information processing,etc。 after accepting external message, Add code , realize some response, information processing that make after accepting external information task, As editor's window of code pursued shows add codes 

 “code editing machine” window 

4。 Keep project 

One VB procedure one project, at the time of designing a application program, system will set up one be expanded and called。 Project file of vbp, project file include all relevant information of file that project set up this, Keep project keep associated documents of project this at the same time。 For example the window body produced when design interfaces is kept and being expanded and being called。 Frm sum。 In the window body of foxfire。 At the time of opening a project( file), this project relevant files load at the same time。 

5。 Operate and debugged by procedure 

Operate the procedure thoroughpin operate" selecting in the menu, when the mistake appears, VB system can offer information prompt can looked for and get rid of the mistake thoroughpin debug" within operate" menus too。 

6。 Can produce by executive program 

For make procedure can break away from VB environment, order to become next life through" file"" producing project 1。exe" of menu but executive program (eyeful), Can carry out this file directly after this。 In produce, + executive program, and then through install guide bale all associated documents, Can run independently after installation under the environment of windows 9 x/2000 as a software product。

VB database programming is pided into three categories according to their degree of difficulty (easy to difficult);

● using database controls and binding controls

● using database object variables for programming

● Direct call ODBC2。0API

When using the VB database programming, in general, will first select one of three basic methods to design database applications, will now adapt the scope and the advantages and disadvantages of these three design methods will be a comparison。

1 using database controls and binding controls

1。1 Advantages

● It is code amount becomes smallest of the three methods of

● do not have to know the details of CDBC2。0API

● allows the use of standard and third-party vendors to develop control entry

● simplifies error handling

● supports all dynamic set of methods and properties

1。2 shortcomings

● not access a snapshot of the object (snapshop) object or table object (record set objects belong)

● not access the database collection, such as table definitions (TableDefs) field (Fieds), index (Indexes) and query definition (QueryDefs)

● access only to some management functions ODBC2。0

● not genuine transactions

● limited error diagnostic function

1。3 Applications

● for small and medium-scale database tables (typically less than one thousand records) were the only pamphlets browsing operations

● basic SQL query result set corresponding length limited (usually the result set number of records less than one hundred, the records retrieved from one or both of the limited length of the table)

● application data input / output item less (typically involve only a limited length or two tables, and the number of fields in the table in 10 or so and has no relationship integrity constraints
















