The tasks to be performed by the human operators depend on certain scenarios, i。 e。, situations and contexts of the human-machine system; see Fig。 2。 Different experience and knowledge of the human operators , as well as different normal and abnormal situations and states of the dynamic technical system, lead to different subjectively perceived tasks。 Further, the prescribed goals and the available means for their achievement strongly determine the types of tasks to be performed in a certain scenario。

The functions of any human-machine interface should be defined in such a way that the prescribed goals can be achieved, the available means can be transformed and used appropriately, and the tasks can be correctly perceived and effectively performed。 Combining the structural view of Fig。 1 with the goals-means-tasks view of Fig。 2, the HMI functions can be specified in the following global categories:

-- supporting the accomplishment of all goal classes (goal functionality),

--supporting the transformation and usage of all available means (means functionality),

-- supporting appropriate task perception and performance (task functionality),

-- organising sufficient and timely information transfer from and to the technical             system and all its subsystems with respect to goals, means, and tasks (dialogue functionality),

-- visualising all process and systems states with respect to goals, means, and tasks   (presentation functionality), and

-- avoiding or compensating for human errors (human error-tolerance functionality)。

Several categories of human errors may occur (Reason, 1990) and can partially be handled by appropriate operator-model based decision support systems within the technical system (Johannsen, 1992) or within the HMI。

Alternative paradigms of human-machine interfaces can be designed for fulfilling the specified functions。 This is true even for the more-traditional concept of human-machine interfaces as dealt with in this paper。 Here, the presentation and the dialogue systems are the main components of the HMI。 The number of alternative paradigms would further increase with additional knowledge-based modules which supply the HMI with adaptation and explanation functionalities。

Figure 3 shows three possible roles of the dialogue functionality in more-traditional HMI paradigms。 In Fig。 3a, the dialogue system is a kind of knowledge-based intermediary between the presentation system and both the supervision and control system and the decision support system, as parts of the technical system。 This paradigm will be extended a little further below。

The second case of Fig。 3b exemplifies the dialogue as a communication language or mechanism between the human operators and all the subsystems of the technical system。 This kind of implicit view of the dialogue in human-machine communications can often be found in the literature。 Direct manipulation and menu selection are communication mechanisms which are suitable fog dialogues between human operators and dynamic technical systems。 The third paradigm, in Fig。 3c, shows the dialogue system as a cooperative assistant to the presentation system。 In this case, the dialogue system is a kind of controller or manager for the information flows through the presentation system。 Both the presentation and the dialogue systems can explicitly depend in their functionalities on the goals as well as on application, operator, and task models。 The more explicit representation of such models in the human-machine interface leads to more advanced paradigms (Avetbukh and Johannsen, 1993; Johannsen,1994)



















