Fig。 13: Experimental realization of dangerous wave sequences from numerical capsize simulations: Starting with the target wave train the wave at the position of the wave maker is calculated using the modified non- linear approach to get the corresponding control signals。 From registration at a stationary wave probe close to the wave maker the stationary wave train at x = 125 m is given by the modified theory (compare target wave) and transformed to the position of the ship model (scale 1:34) to obtain the moving reference frame wave train which can be compared to the roll motion of the RoRo ship which subsequently capsizes。 See also Fig。 3 in Cramer et al。 (2004)。

Compared to the numerical wave tanks the method is capable of backward transformation of wave trains and is therefore ideally suited for generating wave board con- trol signals。  As target signal, measurements from  full

with the above method。

As a consequence, the combination of the proposed pro- cedures is an innovative tool kit to analyze the interac- tion of wave and structure, and to investigate the struc- ture behaviour in all kinds of wave scenarios。


The authors are indebted to the German Federal Min- istry of Education, Research, and Technology, BMBF, for funding the project SinSee (FKZ 03SX145)。 The authors also want to express their gratitude to the German Research Foundation (DFG) for funding the research project ”Extreme Seegangsereignisse” and to the European Union for financing the research project MAXWAVE (contract number EVK-CT-2000-00026)。 Many thanks go to Mr。 Michael Alex for preparing so many figures。


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