transverse bulkheads (at each station from 0#~20#) were used  to reinforce the transverse stiffness of  the   model

measures the weighted average  of

where ballast blocks were located。 The weight and    lo-

cations of the ballast blocks were suitably arranged to satisfy the similitude of the longitudinal weight distri- bution and the position of the centre of gravity of the

the functionnear the ‘jth ’ point of the data set on

ship。 Chen et al (2001) describes in detail the   principal

frequency level (n-1), and  c j

measures the weighted

particulars of the S175 container ship and the flexible

change in the function near the ‘jth’ point。

Repetition  of  this  procedure  for  the  term    including


model manufacturing process。

The model was self-propelled, travelling with the car- riage,  and  allowed  to  freely  surge,  heave,  pitch  and

a j , m  1,。。, n

and  accounting for  the periodic  be-

vibrate  vertically。  Sway,  roll  and  yaw  motions  were

haviour of the extended series of samples, the signal expression takes the form

restricted。 The speed of the model was set for a pre- scribed  propeller  revolution  rate  of  the  ship  and was

measured by the speed of the towing carriage。

Stresses, vertical bending moments, vertical accelera- tions  at  the  FP,  and  heave  and  pitch  motions   were

measured。 The 2-node frequency of the ship model floating  in  still  water  and,  the  vertical  steady    state

bending  moment  due  to  the forward  speed  were also

 

measured。 The heave and pitch motions were  measured

ponent motion measuring device。 A servo needle type wave height meter was firmly attached to the towing carriage with the probe positioned    approxi-

mately 4。5m in front of the model’s centre of gravity。文献综述

Vertical accelerations were measured by an acceler- ometer installed on the deck at the centreplane of Sta-

tion 20。 The bending moments were measured   through

Eq。 7 represents a linear operation and provides the wavelet expression describing a series of data by a se- ries of functions originally arising from a base of scal- ing functions and wavelet functions by shifting and compressing the independent variable x。 At each fre- quency level n-m (m=1, 2, …, n+1), the basis functions

strain gauges fixed on the starboard side-deck plate at

longitudinal stations。 The relation between the vertical bending moment and the value of strain was derived by a static calibration method assuming that the  creepage of the material is small and can be neglected。 The loca- tions of these measurement points were:

M1 near Station 15 (2。65m from AP); M2   at Station 12。5;

M3 near Station 10 (1。85m from AP); M4   at Station 7。5;

M5   near Station 5  (0。95m from AP)。

The experimental conditions for the S175 container ship model travelling at Fn=0。275 in regular head waves are listed in Table 1(: wavelength, a: wave amplitude)。

Table 1:  Experimental test conditions

Head sea, Fn=0。275

Case 2a/ Lpp












