This paper is included within a wider research line where it attempts to study, define, analyze, test and propose, at an industrial level, the possibility of creating cores for injection molds starting from obtaining electroformed nickel shells, taking as an initial model a prototype made in a FDM rapid prototyping equipment。 

   It also would have to say beforehand that the electroforming technique is not something new because its applications in the industry are countless [3], but this research work has tried to investigate to what extent and under which parameters the use of this technique in the production of rapid molds is technically feasible。 All made in an accurate and systematized way of use and proposing a working method。 

2。 Manufacturing process of an injection mold

   The core is formed by a thin nickel shell that is obtained through the electroforming process, and that is filled with an epoxic resin with metallic charge during the integration in the core plate [4] This mold (Fig。 1) permits the direct manufacturing by injection of a type a multiple use specimen, as they are defined by the UNE-EN ISO 3167 standard。 The purpose of this specimen is to determine the mechanical properties of a collection of materials representative industry, injected in these tools and its coMParison with the properties obtained by conventional tools。 

Fig。 1。 Manufactured injection mold with electroformed core。

 The stages to obtain a core [4], according to the methodology researched in this

work, are the following: 

(a) Design in CAD system of the desired object。

(b) Model manufacturing in a rapid prototyping equipment (FDM system)。 The material used will be an ABS plastic。

(c) Manufacturing of a nickel electroformed shell starting from the previous model that has been coated with a conductive paint beforehand (it must have electrical conductivity)。

(d) Removal of the shell from the model。

(e) Production of the core by filling the back of the shell with epoxy resin resistant to high temperatures and with the refrigerating ducts made with copper tubes。

The injection mold had two cavities, one of them was the electroformed core and the other was directly machined in the moving platen。 Thus, it was obtained, with the same tool and in the same process conditions, to inject simultaneously two specimens in cavities manufactured with different technologies。 

3。 Obtaining an electroformed shell: the equipment

   Electrodeposition [5] and [6] is an electrochemical process in which a chemical change has its origin within an electrolyte when passing an electric current through it。 The electrolytic bath is formed by metal salts with two submerged electrodes, an anode (nickel) and a cathode (model), through which it is made to pass an intensity coming from a DC current。 When the current flows through the circuit, the metal ions present in the solution are transformed into atoms that are settled on the cathode creating a more or less uniform deposit layer。 

   The plating bath used in this work is formed by nickel sulfamate [7] and [8] at a concentration of 400 ml/l, nickel chloride (10 g/l), boric acid (50 g/l), Allbrite SLA (30 cc/l) and Allbrite 703 (2 cc/l)。 The selection of this composition is mainly due to the type of application we intend, that is to say, injection molds, even when the injection is made with fibreglass。 Nickel sulfamate allows us to obtain an acceptable level of internal stresses in the shell (the tests gave results, for different process conditions, not superior to 50 MPa and for optimum conditions around 2 MPa)。 Nevertheless, such level of internal pressure is also a consequence of using as an additive Allbrite SLA, which is a stress reducer constituted by derivatives of toluenesulfonamide and by formaldehyde in aqueous solution。 Such additive also favours the increase of the resistance of the shell when permitting a smaller grain。 Allbrite 703 is an aqueous solution of biodegradable surface-acting agents that has been utilized to reduce the risk of pitting。 Nickel chloride, in spite of being harmful for the internal stresses, is added to enhance the conductivity of the solution and to favour the uniformity in the metallic distribution in the cathode。 The boric acid acts as a pH buffer。 
















