s ¼ α ln4 A
þ A þ 1 5 ð14Þ
In terms of the Zener–Hollomon parameter Z, the constitutive equation of 7A09 aluminum alloy is expressed by
zones of the good workability or the zones of the unstable flow。 Therefore, it is necessary to obtain the instability regimes of the
s ¼ 1=αlnfðZ=AÞ1=n þ ½ðZ=A 2=n
þ ] g
7 0:4076
plastic flow。 Ziegler [32] firstly put forward the instability criterion of
plastic flow by applying the extremum principle of irreversible
¼ 80:645lnf½Z=ð1:48 ~ 107 Þ]
þ f½Z=ð1:48 ~ 10 Þ]
thermodynamics to the plastic flow of large strain。 Consequently,
The constitutive equation can be used to describe the flow behavior of 7A09 aluminum alloy during hot deformation based on dynamic recovery and dynamic recrystallization。 The constitu- tive equation of 7A09 aluminum alloy can be determined as the material model during finite element simulation of isothermal precision forging of aluminum alloy rotating disk。
5。Hot processing map
the stable flow will occur if the differential quotient satisfies the following inequality:
dD D
dR 4 R ð24Þ
where R is the function of the strain rate, and D is the dissipation function at the given temperature。 According to the dynamic material model, D is equal to J。 Therefore, the flow instability criterion can be obtained as follows [33]:
∂ln。m=ðm þ 1Þ。
5。1。Fundamentals of hot processing map
þ m o0 ð25Þ
According to dynamic material modeling, the power dissipated during plastic working of the metal material can be described by the following formulation:
P ¼ G þ J ð16Þ
where G is the dissipated content expressed by
Z ε_
where the parameter ξðε_Þ may be viewed as a function of tempera-
ture and strain rate to obtain an instability processing map。 Accord- ing to the instability processing map, metallurgical instability during plastic flow occurs in the regimes where ξðε_Þ is negative。 If the internal entropy production rate in the material system is less than the strain rate imposed on the system, the flow becomes localized and causes flow instability。 The hot processing map can be obtained by combining the power dissipation map and the instability
processing map。
and J is the dissipated co-content expressed by
Z s
J ¼ ε_ds ð18Þ
It can be generally accepted that the flow behavior of metal materials is strongly dependent on the strain rate and the temperature。 The general form of the flow behavior at the given strain and temperature is expressed as