d。 technology。 Enterprises in the technology capability of independent innovation is not strong, the core technology, engineering capability is not strong。 Standard machine backward, low levels of the new standard for CNC system is not enough。 

        3 pairs of numerical control technology and industrialization of China's development of strategic thinking

        3。1 Strategic considerations 

        China is a manufacturing country in the world industry transfer front, we should try to accept the transfer , rather than the back-end , that is to master the core technology of advanced manufacturing, or in a new round of international industrial restructuring, China's manufacturing industry will be further 'hollow 。 We are a resource, the environment, the market price, the exchange may only be the world's new economic pattern in the international 'processing center' and 'assembly centers , rather than to master the core technology manufacturing center , as this would seriously affect our of modern manufacturing process of development。 

        We should stand on national security strategy of the height issue of great importance to numerical control technology and industry, starting with the social security perspective , because the manufacturing sector is the largest sector of China's working population, the manufacturing industry can not only improve people's standard of living, but also to ease my employment pressure, protect social stability ; Second, from the national security perspective, the Western developed countries have sophisticated numerical control products are classified as national strategic material, the embargo and restrictions on China's achievement, 'Toshiba incident' and 'Cox Report ' is the best example。 

        3。2 Development Strategy 

        From the perspective of China's basic national conditions, to the country's strategic needs and the national economy, market demand-oriented , in order to enhance China's comprehensive competitiveness of manufacturing equipment industry and the industry level as a target , using a systematic approach, choose to lead the early 21st century in China manufacturing equipment industry in the development of key technology upgrades and support for industrial development of the supporting technology, and the supporting technology as the content of research and development to achieve manufacturing equipment industry, leap-forward development。 论文网

               In high-tech equipment, with emphasis on production, learning and research, as well as the close combination of end-users in order to 'do arrive, apply, sell out' as the goal, according to the national will to implement research to address the urgent needs of the country 。 

        In the pre-competitive CNC technology, emphasis on innovation , emphasizing research and development of proprietary technologies and products for China CNC industry, equipment manufacturing and the whole lay the foundation for the sustainable development of the manufacturing sector。 


[1] China Machine Tool Industry Association Industry Development Division 。 CIMT2001 Festival [J]。 The world's manufacturing technology and equipment market, 2001 (3) :18-20。 

[2] Liang Xun WANG Xuan, Zhou Yan Yu。 Machine Tool Technology Development of the new developments [J]。 The world's manufacturing technology and equipment market, 2001 (3) :21-28。 

[3] China CNC Machine Tool Industry Association chapter 。 CIMT2001 Festival [J]。 The world's manufacturing technology and equipment market, 2001 (5) :13-17。 

















