摘 要: 改革开放以后,经过多年的努力和探索,我国农业产业化取得了显著的成就,农业产业化水平显著提升。河南省作为我国的农业大省,在农业产业化的进程中始终走在全国前列,农业产业化发展迅速,规模不断扩大。但在这一过程中,河南省农业产业化也面临一系列困难和问题,发展遭遇瓶颈,产业结构不合理,影响产业化发展的因素根深蒂固,需要我们不断地思考和研究解决制约农业产业化发展的对策。关键词:农业产业化;问题;对策7851
Rational thinking about promoting the industrialization of Agriculture
-- Taking Henan Province as an example
Abstract: After the reform and opening up, after years of effort and exploration, China's agricultural industry has made remarkable achievements in agricultural industrialization levels were significantly improved. As China's Henan Province, a major agricultural province, in the process of agricultural industrialization always walk in the forefront of the country, development of agricultural industrialization rapidly expanding. But in the process, Henan Agricultural Industrialization is also facing a series of difficulties and problems, development bottlenecks, irrational industrial structure, factors affecting the industrial development of deep-rooted, we need to keep thinking and research to address the constraints of agricultural industrialization development countermeasures
Key words: Agricultural industrialization; problem; countermeasure
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