    摘要:本设计项目名称是北京工业大学教学楼,建筑面积为4737.6m2 ,共五层,建筑高度为17.7m,结构类型为钢筋混凝土框架结构。包括建筑设计,结构设计两部分内容。 建筑设计是在总体规划的前提下,根据设计任务书的要求,综合考虑基地环境、使用功能、综合选型、施工、材料经济等。最终确定设计方案,画出建筑施工图。结构设计是在建筑物初步设计的基础上确定结构方案;选择合理的结构体系;进行结构布置,并初步估算,确定结构构件尺寸,进行结构计算。本设计采用钢筋混凝土现浇框架结构。在进行荷载计算和构件截面估算后,选取一榀框架进行计算,并对最不利内力进行分析,从而进行配筋计算。本设计基础形式采用柱下独立基础,楼梯为钢筋混凝土现浇板式楼梯。整个方案设计以经济、使用方便为原则,空间合理,主次分明,基本符合设计和结构要求,具有一定的创造性和合理性。21613
    毕业论文关键词: 框架结构;内力组合;板式楼梯;独立基础
     Structure design of teaching building in Beijing University of Technology
     Abstract:The design is Beijing University teaching building, construction area of 4737.6m2, a total of five, building height of 17.7m, structure type of reinforced concrete frame structure. Including architectural design, structural design of two parts. Architectural design is in the context of the overall plan, according to the design requirements of the mission statement, considering the base environment, functionality, comprehensive selection, construction, materials and economics. Finalize the design, construction drawings drawn. Structural design of buildings is determined on the basis of the preliminary design of the structure of the program; choose the right architecture; structural layout and preliminary estimates, to determine the size of structural components, structural calculations. After conducting load calculation and estimation of the member section, select one -bay frame is calculated, and the most unfavorable internal forces analysis to be Reinforcement. This design forms the basis of the next column using an independent foundation, cast slab of reinforced concrete stairs stairs. Entire program designed to economic, easy to use the principle of reasonable space, prioritize, in line with the design and construction requirements, with some creativity and rationality.
     Key words: frame; combination of internal forces; plate stairs; independent foundation

    设计总说明    1
    1 结构平面布置及楼面板、屋面板的设计    2
    1.1 确定结构类型和工程结构的抗震等级    2
    1.2 结构布置及梁板柱截面尺寸的确定    2
    1.2.1 结构布置    2
    1.2.2 梁板柱截面尺寸的确定    3
    1.3 竖向荷载计算    3
    1.3.1 永久荷载计算    3
    1.3.2 可变荷载统计    4
    1.3.3 梁自重    5
    1.3.4 柱自重    5
    1.3.5 线荷载计算    5
    1.4 楼面板及屋面板的配筋计算    9
    1.4.1 电算结果    9
    1.4.2 人工计算结果及其比较    16
    2 代表性框架的设计    19
    2.1 框架选取及其计算简图    19
    2.2 竖向荷载计算    20
    2.2.1 电算结果    20
    2.2.2 人工计算结果及其比较    21
    2.3 电算的框架内力    28
    2.3.1 竖向恒载作用下的内力    28
    2.3.2 竖向活载作用下的内力    31
    2.3.3 水平风荷载作用下的内力    34
    2.3.4 地震作用下的内力    37
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