
    5.    The selection of the air conditioning system
    Fan coil plus fresh air system has the following advantages:
    1) room can independently adjust temperature, design technique is relatively simple (and therefore the design risk is small), the localization of equipment, less investment.
    2) flexible arrangement, the independent regulation room temperature, turn off the unit room not people can easily (Guan fan), does not affect the other room, thus saving operation cost more than other systems.
    3) only need fresh air conditioning room area.
    4) with central air conditioner centralized, with scattered in various modulated terminal devices in the room.
    5) unit components for assembly, standardization, standardization degree is high, is convenient for the user to select and install.
    6) the use of season length.
    This project from the energy conservation, environmental protection, easy to install, easy to repair and other point of view, considering the advantages and disadvantages of the three systems, one to three layers as each room on the indoor environment is different, so the use of fan coil system, and in order to ensure that fresh air supply, the air system independent.
    1概述    1
    1.1 工程概况    1
    1.2计算参数    1
    1.3 设计依据    1
    2. 负荷计算    2
    2.1 得热量计算考虑因素    2
    2.2空调热负荷的组成    2
    2.3负荷计算方法及公式    3
    2.3.1 外墙和屋面传热冷负荷计算公式    3
    2.3.2 外面窗户的温差传热冷负荷    3
    2.3.3外面窗户太阳辐射冷负荷    3
    2.3.4 内围护结构的传热冷负荷    4
    2.3.5 人体冷负荷    4
    2.3.6 灯光冷负荷    5
    2.3.7设备冷负荷    5
    2.3.8渗透空气显热冷负荷    6
    2.3.9 伴随散湿过程的潜热冷负荷    6
    2.4新风负荷    7
    2.4.1新风量的计算    7
    2.4.2新风负荷的计算    8
    2.5 负荷计算表格    9
    3. 空调方案的确定及技术经济分析    12
    3.1 空调方案的技术经济性能分析    12
    3.2空气处理过程、房间送风量及设备的选择计算    14
    3.2.1 空调风系统    14
    3.2.1风机盘管的空气处理及选择计算    14
    3.2.2新风机组的选择    14
    3.2.3室外机组的选型    15
    3.3 空调系统设计中其它常见问题    15
    3.3.1 水系统的压力计算    15
    3.3.2 水系统的定压方式    15
    3.3.3 冷却水系统    16
    3.3.4 冷凝水系统    16
    3.3.5防排烟系统    17
    4.空调房间的气流组织    18
    4.1 空调房间的气流组织方式和送风口的形式    18
    4.2气流组织形式的确定    18
    5.水力计算    18
    5.1 空调水系统    19
    5.2 水流量的确定    19
    5.3水管管径的确定    19
    5.4 水阻力的计算    20
    6 通风与防排烟设计    28
    6.1 防排烟设计    28
    6.2 通风设计    28
    7  空调系统的消声、减振措施    29
    7.1 空调系统的消声    29
    7.2 空调系统的减振    30
    8  管道的保温、防腐措施    31
    8.1 管道的保温    31
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