
         The main contents of this design include:(1)research background and significance of the subject; (2) research a hotel’s status of the design and fire safety management, with emphasis on fire suppression systems; (3) study the relevant specifications; (4) according to the present Line specification for the design of the hotel's fire-extinguishing system or improve, compared to several sets of design, analysis and optimization, make a conclusion; (5) the research and analysis of hotel ‘s safe management .
         Object Design is a town located in Qingpu District, Shanghai Kanazawa hotel covers an area of approximately 1400m2. A total of 6 floors, the first floor is the lobby reception, cafeteria, kitchen, office, lounge etc., are the same as above 5 layers decorated rooms. Grew up around 65.8m, width is 29.6m.
         In the design specification is primarily involved are GB50016-2006 architectural design code for fire protection (2006 edition), GB50045-95 tall buildings for fire protection design (2005 edition), GB50084-2001 automatic sprinkler system design specification (2005 edition), GB50129 -1995 water spray system design specifications.
         Automatic sprinkler system design choices rectangular nozzle arrangement , drawing an automatic sprinkler system floor plan nozzle model used is upright sprinklers, alarm valve selection is wet alarm valve action , sprinklers maximum protection area is 12.5m2, water density is designed to 6 L / (min • m2), the calculated flow pump model selected .
        Carbon dioxide fire extinguishing system is pided into partial flooding and fire extinguishing systems , fire extinguishing system flooded the chosen calculated the amount of carbon dioxide , computing storage capacity , number of containers , and the arrangement of the nozzle selection of nozzle type , flow rate.
    Hydrants were designed outdoor and indoor design selection 100mm and 200mm caliber fire hydrant , 19mm gun nozzle , rubber lined hose length of 20m . Calculating the number hydrant installation , location , along the pipe segment loss consumed , according to the design parameters and the selected pump type .
         The design configuration of the fire extinguisher ammonium phosphate dry powder portable fire extinguishers (MF/ABC10), maximum configuration extinguishing level 6A, determine the fire extinguisher set point , set the number of computing units , selection, and the location of fire extinguishers , setting fire extinguishers level and checking whether the actual requirements of the scene.           
        The design of the hotel's security manager to do the research, the hotel security Why not guaranteed, except for some hardware facilities are not in place outside the hotel staff security awareness and behavior is also lacking, and this is due to the result of staff mobility makes some safety education can not be implemented, so we should cultivate a professional hotel staff, its security special education, so as to protect the hotel's security and interests. Also the hotel staff and security of life and property safety of tourists.
    Key Words:The hotel security;fire hydrants;automatic sprinkler system;carbon dioxide extinguishing systems;fire extinguishers
    1. 绪论    1
    1.1 设计依据及背景    1
    1.2 文献综述    2
    1.2.1 国内外建筑灭火系统设计研究进展    2
    1.2.2 自动喷水灭火系统    2
    1.2.3 高压单相细水雾灭火系统    3
    1.2.4 气体灭火系统    4
    1.2.5 低、中、高倍数泡沫灭火系统    4
    1.3 课题的研究意义    5
    1.4 课题的研究方式    5
    2. 自动灭火系统的设计    7
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