    关键词  基坑支护  设计计算  监测   降水排水
    Title    Design of an excavation bracing system of a Times Mansion                     
    In this paper, the main content is a Design of an excavation bracing system of a Times Mansion. Proposed site is located in qixia district in nanjing xianlin , jiangsu weft road north, 312 national road south. Venue for hilly ~ slope, have been filled in the live, overall relatively flat terrain. North of west, foundation pit away from the water landscape  about 15 meters; On the east side of yuan road, about 60 meters, the south about 20 meters away from the park road, determine the foundation pit engineering safety level to level 2. According to the situation of site soil and surrounding environment, design and construction of foundation pit excavation rainfall drainage should be considered and foundation pit excavation and supporting.
    This article uses the manual calculation and the Lizheng F - SPW6.0 computer software, in accordance with the construction of foundation pit supporting technology regulation (JGJ120-2012) for design and calculation of the supporting system. By querying the related specification and the project examples,I completed check precipitation and monitoring solutions.
    Keywords  excavation bracing  design calculate  monitoring   dewatering drainage
    1设计方案综合说明    6
    1.1 概述    6
    1.1.1 工程概况    6
    1.1.2 基坑周边环境条件    6
    1.1.3 工程水文地质条件    6
    1.2 设计总说明    8
    1.2.1 设计依据    8
    1.2.2 支护结构方案    8
    1.2.3支护方案介绍    10
    1.3 基坑监测    10
    2 基坑支护结构设计计算书    11
    2.1 设计计算    11
    2.1.1地质计算参数    11
    2.1.2计算区段的划分    11
    2.1.3计算方法    12
    2.1.4土压力系数计算    12
    2.2.1土层分布(如表4所示)    12
    2.2.2土层侧向土压力计算    13
    2.2.3土压力合力及作用点的计算:    14
    2.2.4支撑轴力计算:    15
    2.2.5桩长计算:    15
    2.2.6最大弯矩计算:    15
    2.2.7配筋计算    16
    2.3.1土层分布(如表6所示)    17
    2.3.2土层侧向土压力计算    17
    2.3.3土压力合力及作用点的计算:    18
    2.3.4支撑轴力计算:    18
    2.3.5桩长计算:    19
    2.3.6最大弯矩计算:    19
    2.3.7配筋计算    19
    2.4.1土层分布(表7)    20
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