
    The auto-spray system adopts the design of wet-type auto-spray fire extinguishing system. In accordance with regulations and rule, this building is regarded as I class of danger categories. This design chooses the layout of nozzle in the form of rectangle, drafting nozzle layout for each room. As for each room, it will make sure the specific location in accordance with the width and length, and the amount of nozzle, and make sure the layout of the hoses.
    The design of automatic alarm system is the key link in the design of fire-control in a building, and plays an important role of early alarming and extinguishing fire. It involves the selection of automatic alarm systems type, the choice of fire-detection method, and the decision of fire-detecting equipment, etc. In accordance with the features of business service building, and the height of each floor, the automatic alarm system selects smoke-sensing fire-detecting equipment, and maps out the principle of layout in line with distance between each sensor drew from the spacing maximum curve graph.
    The design is mainly made for fire emergency of A class, and few for E class. Fire extinguishers are equipped with ammonium phosphate powders (MF/ABC5) and hands holder. Fire minimum configuration level is 3A,and maximum protection distance of hands holder is 15 meters. Type of quantity of fire extinguishers used depends on protected area square.
    Summary of the design of this type of public places fire safety hazards focus and types of accidents that may occur as well as regional fire system design. During design, I found all respects with fire-related information, and access to relevant design specifications and design manuals, finally completed the construction of the fire in public buildings design through the libraries.
    Key words: public building; fire protection system design; analysis of fire hazards; smoke control system; hydrant system; automatic fire alarm system; configuration of fire extinguisher
    1 绪论    1
    1.1课题研究背景及意义    1
    1.1.1近年来我国影剧院的火灾情况    1
    1.1.2课题研究意义    3
    1.2 课题研究内容    4
    2公共场所火灾隐患分析    5
    2.1 公共场所火灾特点    5
    2.2公共场所火灾安全隐患    5
    2.2.1 静态火灾隐患    5
    2.2.2 动态火灾隐患    6
    2.3公共场所火灾发展阶段    6
    2.4 公共场所火灾蔓延原因    7
    2.5 公共场所火灾隐患分析总结    7
    3 某公共场所消防系统设计    9
    3.1工程概况    9
    3.2 设计思路    11
    3.3 方案论述    11
    3.3.1防火分区和防烟分区的划分    11
    3.3.2火灾自动报警系统设计    11
    3.3.3火灾自动灭火系统设计    12
    3.3.4应急疏散及照明设计    13
    3.3.5 灭火器的配置    13
    4某影剧院总平面布置    14
    4.1 建筑分类及耐火等级    14
    4.1.1 建筑分类    14
    4.1.2 建筑耐火等级的确定    14
    4.2 防火间距    15
    4.2.1 防火间距的确定    15
    4.3 消防车道设计    16
    4.3.1 消防车道设计要求    16
    4.3.2消防车道设计    16
    5 某影剧院平面防火设计    17
    5.1水平防火分区划分    17
    5.2 垂直防火分区划分    18
    5.3 中庭防火设计    18
    5.4 防烟分区    19
    6 某影剧院安全疏散设计    20
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