    摘要本次毕业设计课题为重庆市某综合楼空调工程设计,工程建筑面积 42529 平米。地下2层,地上7层,总高 32.5米,属于中高层建筑。其中地下二层为车库,战时为人防,地下一层为超市和制冷机房,一到四层为商场,五到七层为办公用房。 本次设计在结合重庆市气候以及本建筑的负荷情况之后,采用了水冷式冷水机组为冷源,燃气热水锅炉为热源。因为本建筑层高较低,考虑到经济效应,采用竖直异程水平异程两管制单级泵闭式水系统。地下一层到地上四层大空间采用全空气系统,五到七层采用风机盘管加独立新风系统。全空气选用方形平送风散流器,风机盘管采用侧送风,无法侧送风的采用顶送风。卫生间通风统一设置排气扇排至排风竖井,排风管出口设止回阀,屋顶排风井采用风帽排风。地下二层通风排烟系统选用双速风机,平时通风,发生火灾时候送风排烟。 25883
    毕业论文关键词 冷水机组 全空气 独立新风 防排烟
     Title    Design of the air-conditioning engineering for a complex building in Chongqing                           
    The graduation project is a complex building air conditioning engineering design
    in Chongqing,  for  construction area of 42,529 square meters.  Building underground
    is  two  stories  and ground is  seven  stories,  with a total height 32.5 meters, belongs
    to mid-rise buildings. which is usually a ground floor is a garage, in wartime
    to staff the shelter by a second-class, one to four shopping malls, five to seven
    for the office space.
    In this design, in combination with Chongqing weather and load conditions of the
    building, Water chiller  is used as  cold source, gas hot water boiler  as  heat  source.
    Because of the lower floors of the building, taking into account the economic
    effects,  control the single-stage pump with the vertical different level two
    control single-stage pump closed water system. Underground one to the ground to
    the four layer of large space adopt the all air system, Five to the seven layer
    using fan coil plus fresh air system independent. All air system choose a square
    flat air diffuser, the fan coil adopts the side air supply side, and can not send
    the wind by the wind blowing. Ventilation and ventilation in the bathroom is
    arranged to exhaust ventilation fan, exhaust pipe outlet valve located, roof exhaust hood
    exhaust well use. Underground two layer ventilation exhaust systems use two-speed fan, ormal
    ventilation, air exhaust when fire
    Keywords:  Water chilling unit  All air  Dedicated outdoor air  Smoke control
    1   概论    1
    1.1   工程概况  . 1
    1.2   土建资料  . 1
    1.3   设计依据  . 1
    2   空调负荷计算    3
    2.1   空调室内、外计算参数  . 3
    2.2   空调新风量的确定  . 3
    2.3   冷、湿负荷的概念  . 3
    2.4   空调冷负荷计算  . 4
    2.4   湿负荷计算  . 7
    2.5   夏季新风负荷计算  . 7
    2.6   整栋楼负荷汇总  . 17
    2.7   冷负荷指标  . 18
    2.8   空调热负荷计算  . 19
    2.9   冬季新风负荷计算  . 20
    2.10   整栋楼负荷汇总  . 22
    2.11   热负荷指标  . 23
    3   空调系统冷热源的设计    24
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