    关键词  暖通空调 全空气系统 风机盘管 独立新风系统
    Title    The HVAC Design of a Hotel in Beijing  
    The hotel is located in Beijing, the construction of which is one underground floor and fourteen floors on the ground. The underground floor is used as the warehouses and equipment rooms. The hotel requires heating, ventilation and air conditioning and smoke control measures if it is necessary. The total construction area is 15000 square meters, and the area which needs air-conditioning is 12034 square meters. The employee dining room, the multifunction room, the ballroom and the hall can install the   full air system, and other rooms can install fan coil units with fresh air system; each room uses square diffusers to deliver air and single shutter air inlets in order to return air to the ceiling. Bathrooms are equipped with ventilating fans. Stairwells should be set with pressurized air supply system, and the basement should be set with the mechanical smoke extraction system and the mechanical ventilation system. The cold source comes from two water-cooled screw chillers. The heat source comes from the municipal heating network, which also needs plate heat exchanger to transfer the heat. Cooling towers is placed on the roof of the podium.
    Keywords  heating ventilating and air-conditioning   full air system   fan coil   independent outdoor air system
    1 引言    1
    1.1 工程概况    1
    1.2 工程设计基本参数    1
    1.2.1北京地区室外环境    1
    1.2.2 北京地区能源资源    2
    1.3 设计内容    2
    1.4 设计依据    2
    2 空调系统负荷计算    3
    2.1 设计参数    3
    2.1.1 室外设计参数    3
    2.1.2 室内设计参数    3
    2.1.3 围护结构设计参数    4
    2.2常规房间负荷计算(电算)    5
    2.3 常规房间负荷计算(手算)    7
    2.3.1 夏季冷负荷计算    7
    2.3.2 冬季热负荷计算    10
    2.4 新风负荷    11
    2.4.1 新风量的确定    11
    2.4.2 新风负荷计算    11
    2.5 总负荷统计及分析    12
    2.5.1 电算负荷计算举例    12
    2.5.2手算负荷计算举例    15
    2.5.3 电算负荷与手算负荷结果对比    21
    2.5.4 负荷计算结果汇总    21
    2.5.5 负荷分析    24
    3 方案论证及选择    29
    3.1 热源    29
    3.1.1 技术措施    29
    3.1.2 经济性    30
    3.1.3 结论    31
    3.2 末端    31
    3.2.1 散热器    31
    3.2.2 风机盘管    31
    3.2.3 结论    32
    3.3 空调系统    32
    3.3.1 空气-水系统    32
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