     The air conditioning system design of Shanghai Jiangda  building
    Abstract: This design is in which I am worship shanghai jiangda building air conditioning system design, take it as the main body and the basis, to participate in the examination of engineering construction through the actual design work, in combination with the factors, the air conditioning system of the five storey office building is designed. The design includes : air-conditioning cooling and heating load calculation ; program air conditioning system of choice ; selection of air handling equipment ; hydraulic calculation ; choose other equipment ; insulation, vibration and noise elimination and so on.Air conditioning system design used in buildings in the basement , but also to combine the characteristics of the basement and norms to conform to the wind speed , temperature, humidity, and human comfort , help hospital staff to better and efficient work . So fully consider reasonable airflow , temperature, humidity and pressure control and energy saving measures to make the design more reasonable and in line with national standards, to meet the requirements of owners
    Key Words: cold and heat source; cooling load;thermal comfort
    1  绪论1
      1.1  现代空调发展前沿1
      1.1.1  通用性1
    1.1.2  节能性1
    1.1.3 绿色性5
    1.1.4 舒适性6
    2  设计说明8
    2.1  工程概况8
    2.2  设计依据8
    2.3  方案说明8
    2.4  设计步骤8
    3  负荷计算10
    3.1  设计参数10
    3.1.1  室外设计参数10
    3.1.2  室内设计参数10
    3.2  建筑结构11
    3.3  负荷计算式11
    3.3.1  夏季冷负荷计算11
    3.3.2  冬季热负荷15
    3.3.3  湿负荷计算16
    3.4 冷、热、湿负荷的确定17
    4  空调系统的选择24
    4.1  空调系统的分类24
    4.1.1  按照空气处理方式分类25
    4.1.2  按照制冷量分类25
    4.1.3  按空调系统处理的空气来源分类25
    4.1.4  按负担室内空调负荷所用的介质分类26
    4.1.5  按送风速度分类27
    4.2  确定空调系统方案的因素27
    4.2.1  周围自然环境27
    4.2.2  内部环境参数27
    4.2.3  建筑物的特点28
    4.3  空调系统的选择30
    4.4  空调制冷剂31
    4.5  空调制冷原理33
    4.6  空调制热原理35
    5  空调风系统36
    5.1  空调风系统的构成36
    5.2  空调风系统的分类36
    5.3  新风量的确定36
    5.3.1  满足卫生要求37
    5.3.2  补充局部排风量和文持空调房间的正压要求37
    5.3.3  送风满足最小新风比要求38
    5.4  气流组织设计38
    5.5  风道设计39
    5.5.1  《设计手册》中的规定39
    5.5.2  风管的分类41
    5.5.3  风管的布置42
    5.5.4  风管计算42
    6  凝结水管设计44
    7  设备的选型45
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